Looking to build a light-weight viewer for some data we have hosted on CartoDB. I'm looking to have a user input their address into an input, pass a query to CartoDB and have the map zoom/pan to the user entered address. Looking at the API docs I've got to say I'm at a loss on how to pass the lat/lon to the map center parameter. Code below.
I'm able to get the lat/lon of the point with the return of bounds[0], but from there I cannot figure out how to pass that into the main function to update the center zoom of the map.
I'm a JS novice so if you take the time to help me, please be detailed if you can. Thanks,
// create layer selector
function addressSearch(layer) {
var sql = new cartodb.SQL({ user: 'centurygis' });
var $options = $('#go');
$options.click(function(e) {
var houseNum = document.getElementById('houseNumber').value;
var streetNam = document.getElementById('streetName').value;
// create query based on data from the layer
var query = "SELECT * FROM address_pt_subset";
if(houseNum === "" && streetNam === "") {
alert("Please enter a house number and street address");
} else {
query = "SELECT * FROM address_pt_subset WHERE addressno = '" + houseNum + "' AND streetname = '" + streetNam + "'";
sql.getBounds(query).done(function(bounds) {
latlon = bounds[0];
// change the query in the layer to update the map
function main() {
cartodb.createVis('map', 'http://centurygis.cartodb.com/api/v2/viz/f3ff57ea-5139-11e3-9b0b-f7ce5acd3e77/viz.json', {
tiles_loader: true,
center: [39.118,-76.827], //This is what I need to updat
zoom: 14
.done(function(vis, layers) {
// layer 0 is the base layer, layer 1 is cartodb layer
var subLayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);
subLayer.on('featureOver', function(e, latlng, pos, data, subLayerIndex) {
console.log("mouse over polygon with data: " + data);
.error(function(err) {
window.onload = main;
<div id="map"></div>
<input type="text" id="houseNumber" value="10907">
<input type="text" id="streetName" value="GUILFORD RD">
<input type="button" value="Go!" id="go">