Just getting back into ArcGIS for .NET again after about 2 years of doing the training course.
I have a question about the "Add ArcGIS Identity" that you choose in Visual Studio - it doesn't seem to matter what combination of username/password I think of, it always says I have an invalid username/password (by the way I am using accounts that are in the agsadmin group) on the AGS server. Yet, if I copy a ciphered identity tag from the web.config of some random AGS application I made via ArcGIS Manager - it works, i.e. the web app loads up the map services and I can see a map in my application.
Now, I can't decipher this identity tag as you can probably guess - but does anyone know what I might be doing wrong or what I need to look, or check for in order to get the correct credentials right. I just can't rest until I have this figured out - instead of doing this hack.
UPDATE - Answer
I made sure my dev PC had the ArcGISWebServices user set with the same password as the AGS physical server - so the "impersonation" was consistent between the two machines and accounts. I replaced out the ciphered details in the web.config and replaced with the ArcGISWebServices one and it works fine. I also tried doing it via the "Add ArcGIS Identity" and now it works but make sure you put the machine name (i.e. the name of your dev pc) in the "Domain or Machine Name" textbox.