I am trying to run "authorizeSoftware" file to complete creating new account manager in Arcgis 10.1, but after running


I got this message:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting the ArcGIS Software Authorization Wizard

Run this script with --help for additional information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unable to access X server (:0.0). Please check your DISPLAY variable or run this script in silent mode. Run with the --help option for more information

Any idea how I can fix this?

  • Are you trying to authorize ArcGIS Server on Linux? If so, why do you refer to ArcGIS License Manager? Commented Dec 26, 2013 at 18:44

1 Answer 1


Looks like you're running the license manager on a Linux machine.

If you have a GUI installed, start it, then try to run the authorization.

If not, see this knowledge base article on how to set up a fake display environment and how to authorize from the command line.

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