You can label your features on your maps using either the CartoDB wizards or by adding a simple set of CartoCSS rules to your visualization like the ones below:
#your_table_name::labels {
text-name: [your_column_name];
text-placement: point;
text-face-name: 'DejaVu Sans Book';
text-size: 11;
text-fill: #000;
text-halo-fill: #FFF;
text-halo-radius: 1;
text-dy: -10;
text-allow-overlap: true;
text-placement-type: dummy;
text-label-position-tolerance: 0;
About the search box, is a feature that is proposed but it's not implemented yet. By implementing your map with CartoDB.js you could do a workaround quite easy by querying the BBDD to get the lat/lon of your feature and then moving the map to those coordinates.
good luck!