I am new in PostgreSQL and psql. What is the method to insert a raster geotiff in a postgreSQL database using command psql? What is the best format? Someone indicates to save a raster image as BLOB format.
1 Answer
I used this process recently through the cmd window (Windows 7):
Step 1: Positionning inside raster2pgsql directory
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin
Step 2: Generate SQL script (see options legend below)
raster2pgsql -c -s 3947 -t 70x111 -N 0 -I "D:\myRaster.tif" schema.table > "D:\myRaster.sql"
: create a new table in specified schema-s
: SRID to be used (replace with yours)-t
: raster size in columns x lines (open in QGIS for example and get this info from layer properties)-N
: No-data pixels value (see also in QGIS > Layer properties)-l
: creation of an index for rast column (special column for storing raster geometry)Step3: Script execution (can also be launched in a SQL window within pgAdmin III)
psql -U userName -d dataBase -h host -f "D:\myRaster.sql"
This worked fine for me... You can check in QGIS if your raster was imported properly in your database (with DB Manager plugin for instance).
Hope this helps!