I'm trying to write large shapefiles with QGIS 2.0 API, using Python, which crashes QGIS. The data is composed of simple two point lines and a data table of five columns. A thousand features or so works fine, but at 10k the program crashes for sure. Perhaps some sort of writing in chunks is a solution, or the problem lies in my code :
def write_lines (file_name, data_list, coordinate_ref_system):
fields = QgsFields()
fields.append(QgsField("Data_1", QVariant.String ))
fields.append(QgsField("Data_2", QVariant.String))
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( file_name + ".shp", "CP1250", fields,
QGis.WKBLineString, coordinate_ref_system)
if writer.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
QMessageBox.information(None, "ERROR!", "Cannot write file (?)")
return 0
for r in data_list:
# create a new feature
feat = QgsFeature()
l_end =QgsPoint(r[2],r[3])
feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([l_start, l_end]))
#feat.setAttributes([ str(r[4]), str(r[5]) ]) DOESN'T WORK?
feat['Data_1'] = r[4]
feat['Data_2'] = r[5]
del writer
del feat
within thefor r in data_list