Let me say first that I'm starting to work with GRIB2 files, I've read the docs, and more or less know how they are structured. My goal is to be able to parse some GRIB2 files from NOAA, more precisely, those from the WaveWatch III model. So please forgive my ignorance if some of what I say sounds too naive :D
I'm not attached to any technology, although I feel comfortable with Java and Python. To be more precise, you can find the GRIB2 file I'm using as a sample at this link.
I'm also using the ToolsUI from Unidata for a more "user friendly" inspection of the GRIB2 file. As you can see, there are some variables in the provided GRIB2, but I'm only interested in 2 of them:
Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_surface Direction_of_swell_waves_ordered_sequence_of_data
So far, I've tried this code, which is based on this question also, and I'm able to open the GRIB2 file:
Grib2Input grib2Input;
String pathfile = "glw.grl.WDIR.grb2";
//Create RandomAccessFile
ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile gribfile = null;
try {
gribfile = new ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile(pathfile, "rw");
catch (IOException e) {
//Create grib2Input file
grib2Input = new Grib2Input(gribfile);
Grib2Data gd = new Grib2Data(gribfile);
try {
grib2Input.scan(false, false);
List<Grib2Record> records = grib2Input.getRecords();
float[] data = null;
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++){
//First get record information
System.out.println("record " + i + "-> Param. Categ.: " + records.get(i).getPDS().getPdsVars().getParameterCategory());
System.out.println("record " + i + "-> Param. Number: " + records.get(i).getPDS().getPdsVars().getParameterNumber());
try {
data = gd.getData(records.get(i).getGdsOffset(),records.get(i).getPdsOffset(), records.get(i).getId().getRefTime());
catch (Exception e) {
//Second print some data
for (int j = 0; j < 50000; j+=5000){
System.out.println("data[" + j + "] -> " + data[j]);
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Now the output, for the first 2 records, is this:
record 0-> Param. Categ.: 2
record 0-> Param. Number: 0
data[0] -> NaN
data[5000] -> 64.34
data[10000] -> NaN
data[15000] -> NaN
data[20000] -> 38.13
data[25000] -> NaN
data[30000] -> NaN
data[35000] -> NaN
data[40000] -> 66.55
data[45000] -> 107.06
record 1-> Param. Categ.: 0
record 1-> Param. Number: 7
data[0] -> NaN
data[5000] -> NaN
data[10000] -> NaN
data[15000] -> NaN
data[20000] -> NaN
data[25000] -> NaN
data[30000] -> NaN
data[35000] -> NaN
data[40000] -> NaN
data[45000] -> 328.5
Well, here are my question:
1.- Is there a better way to do this with NetCDF-Java library? It looks to me that for bigger size GRIBS this method is going to take ages. Besides, I should remove all NaN values from the data array for each record
2.- Should I go for more GRIB2 specific libraries like pygrib or pynio? If so...any working examples on parsing GRIB2 files with those?
3.- I also tried using wgrib2 command line tool...like...generating a CSV file with that tool and then parse the CSV file. Thing is that the generated CSV file is not very comprehensive either
Thanks!!! Alejandro
EDIT: You can find an answer to this (using Python, tough) here. I must also say that I was able to do this too using Netcdf4Java, although with GRIB-API from ECMWF is way simpler.