I have an ArcGIS standard license and I want to convert polygon vertexes to points in a script. Since I don't have a good enough ArcGIS license I've been using ET Geowizards to get the points. The problem is you can't run ET Geowizards in python without having the full license. So I was curious if any other open source geo tools can do this in python, specifically GDAL. Is it worth looking into this for a solution?
I have also found this post that might help answer your question: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/73666/python-gdal-polygon-to-point-shape-file– dklassenCommented Jan 28, 2014 at 18:32
2note that GDAL has nothing to do with the processing of polygons: it is an image processing library. If you don't like the existing solutions with OGR, which is good, then you can do it with arcpy.da.SearchCursor.– radouxjuCommented Jan 28, 2014 at 18:55
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