I've got a shapefile containing a large number of O&G parcel features. Each feature parcel has an associated status (things like "Held by Production," "Shut-in," "Leased, Non-producing") and an associated lease expiration date. I need to create a map that depicts this information by color-coding each parcel by its expiration date AND its status.
For example, I need to color all parcels with leases expiring in 2014 red, 2015 orange, 2016 yellow, etc. I also need to identify those parcels with Status = "Paid Up" with diagonal lines overlaying the color fill designating expiration year.
I hope my question is clear, and thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer!
EDIT Throughout the process of working with this problem, I've come up with another tripping point: How does one assign symbology based only on the YEAR of a date field? For instance, my shapefile has a DATE field with the following format: 01/01/2014. I would like to symbolize each feature based on the YEAR only. The symbology tool allows me to assign symbology for each individual value (1/1/2014, 1/2/2014, etc.), but not based on only the YEAR portion of the DATE field.
In fact, when I populate the symbology tool with all unique values of the DATE field and sort, the list sorts alphabetically rather than chronologically. This leads to weirdness like 1/1/2015 appearing before 1/2/2014.