Image of data from one ofthe clipped rasters, uncompressed size does not match what the size in my drive says

(This raster information for one of the clipped rasters)

I have a raster image representing a landscape that is about 1.3Gb. I clipped the raster into 31 sections which vary in size from 10Mb to 40Mb. Whenever I use the Fill tool on a section, the output raster is 1.3Gb (like the whole original raster). This is too much memory to process. Why is the Fill tool creating such a large output file for just a section of the original raster? Is there a way to reduce this size?

Edit: Additional Information

The Rasters were clipping using the methods in this previous question

Clip raster using shapefile into multiple rasters using ArcGIS Desktop?

Edit 2: Python Script changing the mask environment before using Fill (It works, but still provides the 1.3Gb "Fill" Raster)

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.workspace = (r"Workspace\Path")

    for i in range (31):

        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("shapefile","featurelayer" + str(i),'"FID"='+str(i)) 

        arcpy.env.mask = ("featurelayer"+str(i))

        arcpy.ClipManagement(“fullextentraster”, “#”, raster +“clip”+str(i)+ “.tif”, “file_name” + str(i), “0”, “ClippingGeometry”) 

        outFill = Fill(“rasterclip”+str(i)+“.tif”)
        outFill.save (r“Save\Location\Folder\rasterfill”+str(i)+ “.tif”) 

Edit 3: Python Script changing the processing extent environment before using Fill

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.workspace = (r"Workspace\Path")

    for i in range (31):

        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("shapefile","featurelayer" + str(i),'"FID"='+str(i)) 

        arcpy.env.extent= ("featurelayer"+str(i))

        arcpy.ClipManagement(“fullextentraster”, “#”, raster +“clip”+str(i)+ “.tif”, “file_name” + str(i), “0”, “ClippingGeometry”) 

        outFill = Fill(“rasterclip”+str(i)+“.tif”)
        outFill.save (r“Save\Location\Folder\rasterfill”+str(i)+ “.tif”)
  • What method did you use to clip the original raster into 31 sections? What values surround your clipped raster cells (e.g. NoData, 0, etc.). Is the original raster extent the same as the clipped rasters? What is the bit depth (e.g. 8 bit unsigned) of the original raster, the clipped rasters and finally the processed rasters after the Fill operation? If you could include answers to these in your post, we would appreciate it.
    – Aaron
    Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 18:20
  • Unexpected changes in raster size, position, or resolution are almost always due to not changing default settings in the processing environment. Please tell us precisely what your settings were when you performed the Fill operation.
    – whuber
    Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 18:48
  • What do mean by "Settings"?
    – JC11
    Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 18:55
  • Thanks for updating your post JC11. What values surround the clipped raster images? Try running the Fill operation using a mask (located in the environment settings) of your specific area of interest.
    – Aaron
    Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 18:57
  • 1
    JC11: And that, I believe, is exactly your problem. You need to change the settings when clipping out a raster so that ArcGIS does not fill up the rest of the output with NoData values to match the extent of the original raster. Before you go any further, please study the ArcGIS help page covering this topic.
    – whuber
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 14:16


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