I have two PostGIS tables: earthquakes and borders, which contain point data on earthquake locations, and polygons of countries in the world respectively.

I want to try and count the earthquakes within each country, and I've managed to do this using the following SQL:

SELECT ch01.borders.name, COUNT(ch01.earthquakes.geom) as count FROM ch01.borders, ch01.earthquakes
WHERE ST_Contains(ch01.borders.geom, ch01.earthquakes.geom)
GROUP BY ch01.borders.name ORDER BY count DESC;

This gives me a nice ordered table showing the number of earthquakes in each country. However, I'd like to produce a map of the world in QGIS, with each country shaded relative to the number of earthquakes occurring within its borders - but to do that, I need to get a geometry column back from the SQL query (it seems that I'll also need a primary key, but I'll cross that bridge later).

I tried simply selecting the geometry column in the SQL:

SELECT ch01.borders.geom, ch01.borders.name, COUNT(ch01.earthquakes.geom) as count FROM ch01.borders, ch01.earthquakes
WHERE ST_Contains(ch01.borders.geom, ch01.earthquakes.geom)
GROUP BY ch01.borders.name ORDER BY count DESC;

but that gives me an error saying:

ERROR: column "borders.geom" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

The problem is: I don't want to aggregate or group by the geometry, I just want to return the geometry for the rows that I've got. How can I do this?

  • 1
    Does each borders.name have a matching borders.geom? If so you can do a GROUP BY ch01.borders.name, borders.geom and it should return both name and geom.
    – djq
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 4:09
  • That seems like the simplest way to do it, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Adding the extra column to the group-by doesn't seem to change the results at all. Any idea what's going on?
    – robintw
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 8:38
  • @robintw Don't forget to add "geom" to your SELECT clause . If you try both solutions, I'd be interested to know the query times.
    – Scro
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 10:04

1 Answer 1


One way is to use a WITH query, also known as a Common Table Expression. You can use the first query you wrote (lightly modified) in the WITH query and then join it to your "borders" table. Assuming the PRIMARY KEY for "borders" is "gid", it could look like this:

WITH eqs_per_border AS (
    ch01.borders.gid AS gid,
    COUNT(*) AS eq_count
  WHERE ST_Contains(ch01.borders.geom, ch01.earthquakes.geom)
  GROUP BY ch01.borders.name 
  ch01.borders.gid AS "ROWID",
  ch01.borders.name AS border_name,
  eqs_per_border.eq_count AS eq_count,
  ch01.borders.geom AS geom
WHERE ch01.borders.gid = eqs_per_border.gid

A couple of notes: First, use a JOIN on the second query if that feels more natural. Second, it is not necessary to put the "ROWID" alias on the "gid" column. It's just a habit I developed from a trick to get QGIS to respect SpatiaLite views.

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