We have several users that are using ArcMap, and have asked me to create a fairly complicated label scheme. I have created several classes, each with different Expressions describing the labels.
I would like to automate the steps of creating all of the classes, and setting all of the Expressions.
Is there a way to do this with ArcMap 9.3.1.
Right now, to deploy, I am going to send each user a bunch of files, with some instructions. The instructions will look like:
Instructions to change labeling for Layer1
- From ArcMap TOC, click "Display" tab
- Open Layer Properties for Layer1
- Go to the "Labels" tab
- Change the "Method" dropdown to "Define classes of features and label each class differently"
- Click "Add..." to add a new class
- Enter "ClassA" as a name, and press OK
- Click "Sql Query..." to define the class
- Click "Load..." file and select the "ClassA.exp" file
- Press OK, to close the SQL Query dialog
- Click "Expression..." to define what is displayed as a label
- Click "Load..." and select the "ClassA.lxp" file
- Click OK to close the Label Expression dialog
Repeat these steps for ClassB, ClassC, etc...
Is there anyway to make this easier for the users?