Thats my ways.shp file. I loaded this to PostgreSQL DB using PostGIS shape file loader. I ran pgr_anlayzeGraph() on it and found it had a lot of isolated segments.

Next I ran pgr_nodeNetwork() to create a new table 'ways_ways'. I made the topology for it and ran the following query in Qgis sql window.

 SELECT * FROM ways_ways JOIN (SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM 
pgr_astar('SELECT id, source, target, cost, x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM ways_ways', 
1, 108, false, false) )AS route ON ways_ways.id = route.node;

Given below are the screenshots: Original floorplan and the prescribed route 1 query ouput 2

Clearly , I don't have a continuous output. I ran pgr_analyseGraph on ways_ways to find that it has no more isolated segments . It has 51 deadends, which is acceptable.

  1. Did I miss any step in pgrouting?
  2. Is there anyway to see which node has id 1 and id 108 in qgis?
  3. i ran the same query in another map(which i downloaded) and got output for all possible source and target ids. So how can i create a way(a route) that is completely noded?

1 Answer 1


Your network is not routable. For a routable network, you have to split/break all edges where they intersect. Otherwise pgrouting cannot create a usable topology. This also explains why you got the error about isolated segments.

enter image description here

Possible solutions to split edges include: Split edges at intersections in PostGIS or How to clean such a bad shapefile for routing? (especially v.clean break).

  • how can i break the edges?
    – 0aslam0
    Commented Mar 10, 2014 at 18:41
  • 1
    After 2 weeks of agony, I have successfully implemented pgrouting on my map. Thanks a lot underdark. All i had to do was open my shp file in GRASS GUI and use the v.clean option to break the segments and export it as a new shpfile.
    – 0aslam0
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 19:28

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