I managed to learn the fundamentals of Django, GeoDjango and know OpenLayers for a while. Now I realize a project with a lot of objects with point geometries. To make the user map fast and responsive, I like to transfer only the points that are in the bounding box of the current view.
OpenLayers has on part of the solution on clientside solution with the BBOX strategy (new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()
) which appends the extends to the data URL e.g. /api/node?bbox=13.898900146484,51.04243240501,13.341099853516,51.117559096132
Now my question is, how I can deal with that on server side, without needing to reimplement attribute parsing and filtering on my own?
If there is no ready solution, might anybody please give me a rough snippet on what to do on django side?