I try to measure how well a node is connected to the rest of the network. If a city has a distant suburb connected with one sole road, it's connectedness is, say 1. If it's connected by 2 roads, it's 2, and so on. A point in the middle of the city is connected infinitely.

What are plugins or algorithms available?

I personally prefer open source solutions (QGIS, PostGIS, or python-based), but other options are also welcome.

2 Answers 2


I think that "node centrality" concepts, in the graph theoretic literature, may be helpful. Here is an introduction to centrality measures in graphs.


You do not specify which GIS system you wish to implement your analyses so you could investigate the sDNA which can be run in ArcGIS, python or AutoCAD.

  • As of now, sDNA (3.0 alpha release) also runs in QGIS. Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 16:50

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