I have created a small slippy map (Leaflet) and have given it a bounding box. If the user tries to pan/slide outside the given bounds then the map bounces back. Also, the slippy map only has tiles within the bounds so if the user pans out it will all be grey area only. All this is what I want but my question is, in the browser console I get " GET: "file location" net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" which is expected as I don't have those tiles outside of the map bounds.
So my questions are:
- What are some slippy map good practices?
- Should I include tiles outside of the bounding box even though they will not be used?
- Are these GET errors bad for performance?
- Is there a way to not get these GET errors and if so how?
- Is this ok?
Using Leaflet API.