This is getting worse... I created a project with about 6 vector layers (which I digitised) with some raster tiles. It is stored locally on my Windows 7 PC, running QGIS 2.0
The project was fine until I came to open it yesterday, when I got the Bad Layers dialogue. Entering the correct paths does not fix it.
I've opened up various iterations of this project I had made, and my backups & they're all broken. Some I definitely experimented with Tools/Scripts (IRO my other post), but I don't think I had in the earlier ones. One of these projects' "bad layers" is a temp output from a tool.
Not sure if the time coincides, but the list of Recent Projects has reverted to that of some weeks ago. I did a System Restore, which assured me my data was safe, but as I'm investigating, it suggests this is the culprit - if the temporary file in AppData has gone that would trip it up.
Where is the "recently used files" list - is that in AppData too? (this is less of a problem, just a possible clue to the above)
I've skimmed the .qgs file in Notepad++ to see if I could identify these layers, but can't work it out. Can this be edited like the old ArcView .apr files?