I have a windows form which opens with my ICommand, referenses IApplication and does some staff with it( it is not relevent ). The problem is that I want it to be onTop within ArcMap, and minimized if ArcMap is minimized. Two obvious solutions doesn't satisfy my requirements.

  1. Set form's Topmost = true. (Stays on top even if ArcMap is minimized.)
  2. Use DockedWindow. I have actually around dozen of such forms, I don't want to change all the projects structure due to such minor requirement.

Is there a way to make windows form be "adopted" by ArcMap window?

1 Answer 1


turns out there exists a solution online. Shortly, codes are like this.

add this class:

 public class ArcMapWindow : System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
    private IApplication m_app;

    public ArcMapWindow(IApplication application)
        m_app = application;

    public System.IntPtr Handle {
        get { return new IntPtr(m_app.hWnd); }


and use like that:

form.Show(new ArcMapWindow(m_application));

provided by: https://dbouwman.wordpress.com/2007/09/05/parenting-forms-to-arcmap-the-easy-way/

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