I am working in TileMill and I have a number of layers in two different levels of detail. I have assigned classes to the layers "highdetail" and "lowdetail", and I know how to use the zoom selector - now how can I hide all the low detail layers when zoomed in past e.g. zoom level 6? The layers are a mix of polygon/raster/line.
2 Answers
You can use opacity
instead of display:none;
#idToHide[zoom=6] {
polygon-opacity: 0;
raster-opacity: 0;
line-opacity: 0;
text-opacity: 0;
You would use zoom filters for this: see Advanced map design, and notice the bits that say things like [zoom=6]
or [zoom>10]
yeah, but I would have to do that for each layer, right? What I am missing is something equivalent to display:none from CSS!– hugoCommented May 12, 2014 at 6:31