I am trying to convert a SOSI file (Norwegian geodata format) to a shapefile. I have set up gdal, but apparantly there is a lot of things that I dont have support for. When I do a ./configure, this is the result:
LIBTOOL support: yes
LIBZ support: external
LIBLZMA support: no
GRASS support: no
CFITSIO support: no
PCRaster support: internal
LIBPNG support: internal
DDS support: no
GTA support: no
LIBTIFF support: internal (BigTIFF=yes)
LIBGEOTIFF support: internal
LIBJPEG support: internal
12 bit JPEG: yes
12 bit JPEG-in-TIFF: yes
LIBGIF support: internal
OGDI support: no
HDF4 support: no
HDF5 support: no
NetCDF support: no
Kakadu support: no
JasPer support: no
OpenJPEG support: no
ECW support: no
MrSID support: no
MrSID/MG4 Lidar support: no
MSG support: no
GRIB support: yes
EPSILON support: no
WebP support: no
cURL support (wms/wcs/...):no
PostgreSQL support: no
MySQL support: no
Ingres support: no
Xerces-C support: no
NAS support: no
Expat support: no
libxml2 support: yes
Google libkml support: no
ODBC support: no
PGeo support: no
FGDB support: no
MDB support: no
PCIDSK support: internal
OCI support: no
GEORASTER support: no
SDE support: no
Rasdaman support: no
DODS support: no
SQLite support: no
PCRE support: yes
SpatiaLite support: no
DWGdirect support no
INFORMIX DataBlade support:no
GEOS support: no
Poppler support: no
Podofo support: no
OpenCL support: no
Armadillo support: no
FreeXL support: no
SOSI support: no
SWIG Bindings: no
Statically link PROJ.4: no
enable OGR building: yes
enable pthread support: yes
enable POSIX iconv support:yes
hide internal symbols: no
And doing the command results in this:
~/gdal$ ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" /media//Geodata/testing/sosi.sos /Documents/test.shp FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `/Documents/test.shp' with the following drivers.
I am fairly inexperienced with this, so I am trying to learn. What is going on here, what am I doing wrong?