I have a hiking website. I am trying to query for parks big and small around the world where people could potentially go walking or hiking.

I was trying to use the GeoNames data and was using query arguments from this table:


Here is an example query I made trying to get parks:


and it gives me some things which are I have no idea what. Here is also another thing where I try to query for arctic spaces:


And that gave places in the Caribbean :)

So I must be doing something totally wrong. My goal was to look up all parks in the world, and also cities (with state/country info) so that I can make that connection on my site for my users.

Is my goal possible to achieve? What was I doing wrong in my queries?

1 Answer 1


You're looking (Searching) for P R and K as strings.

You need to do FeatureCODE searches on Parks:


More Geonames API search information:


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