Linked Questions

11 votes
4 answers

Cutting features to do opposite of clipping in ArcGIS Desktop? [duplicate]

What´s the easiest/smartest way of getting the opposite output of the clipping tool? I just need the area of feature A1 which is not covered by feature A2 in a new Layer/File. Now, I get the result ...
Nino Poon's user avatar
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2 votes
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Retain the rest of the Clip (Analysis) tool in ArcGIS [duplicate]

Which tool can I use to get or keep the rest of the output feature when I use the Clip (Analysis) tool in ArcMap? For instance I need to calculate Blue minus Green. Erase (Analysis) from Overlay ...
Christakis Pappas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Cutting a polygon out of another polygon with python [duplicate]

Licence: ArcEditor Version: ArcMap 10.0 I have some issues to separate my data with python. To illustrate the problem, I have simplified the data with figures. I want to cut the blue polygon out of ...
elbarado's user avatar
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2 answers

Removing lakes from a country polygon [duplicate]

I have two polygon layers: one indicating countries, and other on top indicating lakes. I want to create a new layer that keeps the countries but have the lakes cut out of them. What tool do I use?
WFL.GIS's user avatar
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Clip on ArcMap not clipping out the correct layer [duplicate]

In ArcMap 10.8 I have two shapefiles, the yellow area and the green square. I am trying to create a shapefile that is the yellow area without the green square. I want to clip the small square out of ...
Deandra Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Subtracting features from one layer using another layer in ArcGIS Desktop? [duplicate]

I have 2 layers of land parcels for a particular area (shown on top of each other like so): The darker parcel lines and road polygons are from an earlier parcel map. The land has been developed and ...
Jeremy Herbert's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Seeking QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS Erase tool?

Is there a QGIS equivalent of the Erase tool in ArcGIS Desktop? The Erase tool: Creates a feature class by overlaying the Input Features with the polygons of the Erase Features. Only those ...
Johan's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Area missing in polygon (Shapefile)

I'm working with ArcGIS and the following image is showing the polygons that I have in my shapefile. The seleted polygon should actually be this selected one + the blank area right below it. This ...
Matt_Geo's user avatar
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Removing part of polygon from another using ArcGIS for Desktop? [duplicate]

Now I have shp of a county, which includes lake part and land part. I only have shp of the lake part but I need the land part. How can i get the land part? I think there should be some tools ...
Peter Paul's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Copy an attribute from one polygon shapefile to another with ArcGIS

I'm very new to GIS, and have been toying with something that intuitively seems simple, but I can't make it work. I have an ArcView license (small municipal government). I have a parcel polygon ...
Matt's user avatar
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3 votes
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Understanding Error network dataset has no edge elements It may be unbuilt?

I'm trying to alter an Integrated Transport Network (ITN) to remove all of the roads that are within a flood zone (a separate shapefile). The ITN Network Dataset I'm working with was created by ...
KJGarbutt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to draw a polygon between a number of polygons automatically

The weight “empty” area which is bounded by the orange boundary should represent a land use “Roads” so I should fill it with polygons. Now my question is how to fill these empty areas with polygons ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Creating feature from empty space in ArcGIS for Desktop?

If you see below, I would like to create features from the empty space. What is the easiest way to complete this? The freehand tool was sloppy and difficult. I am using ArcMap 10.2. I have a Basic ...
Kendell's user avatar
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How to cut unwanted area (polygon) using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I am using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop with a Basic level license. There are two overlapping polygon. Polygon A (with line stripes) and Polygon B (in beige color). Polygon A and Polygon B is a separate ...
Malina Zainal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how can I change the border of my layer?

I have 2 layers: one with neighborhood borders another with service areas (shapefile) I would like to make one layer with all the data from ServiceAreaMETRO and for the zone where i have no ...
bucek's user avatar
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