Linked Questions

5 votes
3 answers

Comparing two rasters, based on a complex set of rules

I am trying to compare two rasters, say A.tif and B.tif. Both correspond to river bed level changes under two different flow conditions. Now I want to produce a comparison raster having values based ...
datakeen's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to convert 0 values to NoData values with rasterio

I clipped my TIFF image to smaller TIFF via using a shapefile as mask with rasterio Python library. After that my square shaped clip has bigger extent than shapefile and outside the the shapefile area ...
Berke Şentürk's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating raster with same size as DTM raster containing certain percentage of zeros and ones using QGIS

I've got a DTM and would like to add 1m to a percentage of the points, so I thought of creating a new raster containing either zeros or 1m and add the two raster together. I didn't find any tools that ...
Peter Muller's user avatar
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Calculate new band for satellite image after predict values with RF

I have satellite image which contains 3 different bands. I'm using Python (jupyter notebook) in order to calculate new band by applying random forest regression. My problem is that after I have ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Open a numpy array as a GDAL raster in memory

I have a numpy array which I would like to open as a raster in GDAL. Currently the only way I can find to do this is to save the raster as an image to the file system and then open it again. I was ...
wfgeo's user avatar
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Python surface plot in QGIS

I'm new in QGIS and I’m having some troubles. I have produced a surface plot in python and I would like to import it in QGIS but I don't know how do that, can anyone help me? P.S. I also have the ...
FM79's user avatar
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Rotating raster cells with QGIS GDAL

I've written a PyQGIS script based on this answer to the following question: Writing numpy array to raster file My data shows up at the correct, expected location but the raster cells, which are ...
YeO's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

numpy array to gdal.Band

I have a numpy array that I want to convert to polygons using the gdal.Polygonize function, as outlined using this Polygonize a Raster Band approach. Unlike the example listed, however, my data is ...
Bryce Frank's user avatar
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GDAL ReadAsArray slow?

I am currently working with GOES-R on AWS. I've downloaded recent data, which is in the netCDF file format. Specifically I am using band 3 (M3C03). When loading it into GDAL, it is taking upwards of ...
Matthew Mage's user avatar
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GDAL, python: How to create a GDAL dataset object from a numpy array

I am working on a program that uses both OpenCV and GDAL to perform different tasks. OpenCV stores its images as numpy arrays. I would like to be able to go directly from this numpy array to a dataset ...
Victor Odouard's user avatar
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Warping Image having Lat Lon Geolocation array

I'm trying to implement a script to project an image having the two matrices of Lat and Lon points. I've followed the steps proposed in: Unable to warp HDF5 files and everything is fine. I create the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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4 votes
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Writing Numpy array to raster file (tif) returns a trivial black square

I need to turn a 2D numpy array into a raster file that I can later import in ArcGIS (version 10.3.1, licence type: Advanced). The coordinate system that I need to target is the British National Grid ...
FaCoffee's user avatar
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error with python gdal

I tried to do this code Array to Raster image but there was the following error ERROR 4: Unable to open myraster.tif to obtain file list. ERROR 4: Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv. Try ...
Μανώλης Παναγιωτάκης's user avatar
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NumPy to GeoTiff for use with Gdal

I have a few NumPy arrays: lat, lon, and 6 data bands. I'd like to convert these to GeoTiff and then apply the gdalwarp function, based on a specific projection, to each band. Is there a standard way ...
rakbar's user avatar
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