Linked Questions

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QGIS - snapping points onto lines [duplicate]

I have two layers, one is point layer and other one is a line layer. I want the point features to snap on to the lines, but the points are away from the lines. Is there any way to move the points onto ...
user23288's user avatar
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4 answers

How to get the nearest point on a linestring to a given point?

I've been using PostGIS for a long time now but never had to use the LINESTRING geometry ...! :) Here's what I would like to do : I have a table of linestrings (representing streets of a given city, ...
Vivi's user avatar
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Drawing perpendicular lines in PyQGIS

I have a situation like this: What I need to do is to connect each point to every line that is at most, let's say 200 m, away from the point. In other words, I need to draw a perpendicular line from ...
PeterBorook's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Snap lines to points automatically?

I have two vector shapefiles: One file is points representing manholes and the other is a polyline file representing pipes leading to and from the manholes. I need to snap the lines within a ...
GreyHippo's user avatar
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Snapping points to lines in ArcGIS Desktop and automate using VBA?

I use ArcGIS Desktop and I want create a network with a point feature and a line feature. I need my point features to be on the line features so I should do Snap point to line. However, I do not ...
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4 answers

Finding nearest line to point in QGIS

Given a point and few lines, how should I go about finding the nearest line to the point? I am aware of Finding nearest line to point using ArcGIS Desktop (ArcObjects/ArcPy)?, but that is in ArcGIS ...
PeterBorook's user avatar
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Turn a map canvas into a vector layer in QGIS

I ran a program that created points on the nearest edge of a polygon, but it only appears in the iface.mapLayer() canvas. The code is taken from the answer in: ...
Tali's user avatar
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Connecting lines with point in QGIS

I have two shapefiles Blue network yellow locations as shown in the below figure. I want to connect all yellow dots with the blue lines blue as shown in red color in the figure. Is there a way to ...
Case Msee's user avatar
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Writing PyQGIS Output to Shapefile

I'm trying to find the closest point on a line to another point as in this post. However when I try to write the result as a shapefile I get an error: TypeError: QgsVectorFileWriter.addFeature(...
jburrfischer's user avatar
1 vote
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Snap points to end points of line within 50cm radius in MapInfo Pro

Is there a way in MapInfo Pro to automatically move a point dataset to the end points of a line that's within 50cm of a point? This is an existing dataset so it's not simply turning on snapping. ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Distance between reference point to many Points along a line

I have a Line layer and a Point layer in Qgis. The lines snapped to the points. I need the distance between the reference Point (number 12 in the image) to the other points along the line. I have ...
A.Sarh's user avatar
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