Linked Questions

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Making Map Matching Points to Roads [duplicate]

I'm having some trouble while map matching these points for some streets. Could you lend me a hand?
user2883056's user avatar
2 votes
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Map Matching GPS to Road Network [duplicate]

I'm working on a project for which I have GPS points and I would like to extract the sequence of roads related to those points. I know that this is called "map-matching" and that there is a load of ...
themiurgo's user avatar
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Implementing Snap to Road functionality [duplicate]

I am having a problem with a little application I'm trying to develop. What I do is take a phone with me and drive around the city on a bike. I collect all the Latitude/Longitude-pairs and at home I ...
scrrr's user avatar
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GPS points of a vehicle snapped to a specific polyline path [duplicate]

So I have been capturing bus GPS locations for a while now, and I am became interested in snapping them to their corresponding polyline (route). While at first this seemed like an easy enough task I ...
Tom's user avatar
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automatic snap line to line [duplicate]

I need to automaticly overlay/snap the red line (gps-track) exact on the lines of my roads-shape. Is that possible?
MartinMap's user avatar
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Adjusting GPS collected data to a polyline shapefile [duplicate]

I am collecting data from a GPS that is attached to a car. When I display this data in a map, the set of collected points are supposed to match with the street shapefile. However what I see in my map ...
Roy Arturo's user avatar
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Align Track from GPX file with roads [duplicate]

I'm looking into possibilities to align track data from a GPX file with known roads, perhaps coming from OSM. So far I'm able to show the tack as such on a map powered by leaflet. Since the app ...
Arthur McFlint's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Algorithms for matching segments [closed]

What are the best algorithms to match segments? I'm trying to match corresponding segments from two map sources, one less accurate but with segment names, and one more accurate without segment names. ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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Matching GPS tracks

I'm looking for a proper way to process multiple GPS tracks (so time ordered list of lat/lon points) and match/classify that segments, that are covered by multiple tracks: So it's not about recording,...
Mapper's user avatar
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Real time map matching using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am working on a project which requires real time map matching. I am currently using ArcGIS but not sure whether it will work. Here is what happens with my system: the cell phones sent GPS fixes ...
user14631's user avatar
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How to match GPS collected data to routes on Google Maps?

I am using Google Maps to implement a GPS Monitoring system of data collected from vehicles. My problem occurs when the points and lines do not match with the route and cut through other streets and ...
opc0de's user avatar
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How to refine a gpx track and set additional points on existing road network? (aka map-matching)

I am trying to refine/populate gpx tracks recorded by a GPS device. I would like to add 1 or 2 points between each gpx point recorded and snap these additional points to roads. I am using essentially ...
kFly's user avatar
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3 answers

Generate a GPX file that matches a road network from an imported drawing

I'm looking for a tool that'll help create a GPX file which will help me run a track and create "GPS Art" or "GPS Drawing". I would like to draw simple shapes, like animals or texts by following a ...
iFlo's user avatar
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How to snap a GPX-track to a road network?

I want to snap the GPX-track to the road network as the image below shows. I found out, that "Hausdorff Distance" is exactly what I need and that it is usable with PostGIS. But unfortunately I have no ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there Open Source equivalent to ArcGIS Integrate (for topology correction)?

I need to transform a set of polygons so that it forms an exact spatial partition/tesselation (no gap - no overlap). What are the existing open-source solutions (software or library) to perform this ...
julien's user avatar
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