Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

Calculate Field in ModelBuilder gives General error executing calculator. ERROR 999999: Error executing function. Expected end of statement?

I am attempting to do zonal statistics for multiple images and I need to add an extra field that will have the name of each raster file in each row to the finally appended file. I have added a field ...
Vincent Odongo's user avatar
3 votes
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Merging multiple feature datasets while maintaining shapefiles for respective point, line and polygon files nested using ArcMap

I've been doing some digging and a few days of playing around with my data in ArcMap (Advanced level license) but I haven't been able to find a solution to merging datasets, which consist of many ...
user24537's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Problems Integrating Sub-Model into Master Model

I am attempting to integrate a iterative model into a master model to merge all of the outputs of the iterative model into one feature class. However, when I attempt to set the output of the sub-model ...
eric's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Exporting Zonal Statistics As Table output in ModelBuilder

I have an extremely simple model that takes as input a shapefile for zones along with a value raster. All the model does is produce a table of my desired zonal statistic for each zone (the mean). Next,...
Cathleen B's user avatar
0 votes
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Iterate zonal statistics table model builder - add field and name each row by raster

I have a model builder model to run zonal statistics as a table on multiple rasters and merge the output table into one table However, I would like to add a field to the merged output table that ...
Aly's user avatar
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ArcGIS Network Analysis Find Shortest Route with Large Number of Data

I am trying to find the shortest distance and shortest travel time from one point to another point. However, I have a large number of data (140 000s). I break my data to smaller feature classes of 10 ...
Elfi's user avatar
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How to use ModelBuilder to add many images to mosaic dataset?

Here is my sample of a model builder. What I would like to create a mosaic dataset then add lots lots lots lots of imagery from different folders to the dataset rather than I have to do manually. ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Combining zonal statistics of multiple rasters into a single table ArcGIS Pro

I have a collection of 22 raster images from which I need to find the min, max, and mean, and put the results from each image into a single combined table. This question is very similar to what I am ...
Emj's user avatar
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How to use Collect Values and Tabulate Areas in ModelBuilder?

I have problems with the Tabulate Area tool. The polygons in my shapefile overlap and because of this ArcMap does not calculate proper values. I try to solve this using ModelBuilder where it is ...
Eco06's user avatar
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How to make zonal statistics model more efficient?

I've made this model, to assess some 500-600 rasters for one area, and spit out one huge table. So far, when testing it with 20-30 rasters as inputs it works, but now that I put in the full amount its ...
ctcary's user avatar
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Summarizing multiple raster values by polygon

I have seen several discussions about zonal statistics and similar processes for summarizing rasters by polygons, however I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to. Most of these past ...
Steven Hunter Douglas's user avatar