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Using a base layer from ESRI and converting to a regular layer and "cropping it" also using it for arcScene

How do I modify a baselayer from Esri? I found a great one for my region (much better resolution than the one I was given) but it is way too big and I want to cut out the ocean part of the raster ...
David Weinstein's user avatar
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Adding Texture to the sides of an extruded polygon in ArcScene

I've been using ArcScene 10.2.2 to create simple extrusions of building footprints and now would like to add textures to them to make them more realistic. I want to add textures to the sides of the ...
Sammo034's user avatar
5 votes
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Create shadow of building in ArcScene

I want to create shadow of a building at different time in ArcScene but I am a beginner of using ArcScene so I am not familiar with this. I am using ArcGIS 10.2.2 version. I tried to use "sun shadow ...
Ying Yeung's user avatar
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3D marker symbol export problem (ArcGIS 10.2)

I am trying to create a webscene. I have a TIN and a point layer that is 3d enabled (point z). I added a 3d symbol marker to the point layer in ArcScene . When I use the "export to 3d web scene" ...
Jaybird's user avatar
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Displaying extruded polygon outlines in ArcScene?

I am having a similar problem to Displaying ArcScene polygon extrusion edges? When I extrude polygons in ArcScene 10.2.1, the polygons rise to the specified height, but the outlines of each feature ...
Julie P's user avatar
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Issue with vertex level editing in ArcScene

I have a 3D data set of some buildings in ESRI Shapefile MultiPatch format. The buildings appear in 3D in ArcScene (10.2.1 on Windows 8.1 64bit) and I am able to move, rotate and scale buildings. ...
James Milner's user avatar
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How to represent the time(weekly/monthly) variationof a polygon map using one image?

I have a base map made up of three hundred polygons, Each polygon has lots of attribute values(For example, each week/month get a value). But I only want to draw one picture(due to page limitation) ...
lix's user avatar
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