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Creating cumulative viewshed (non binary) using ArcGIS Desktop?

In ArcGIS 10.2.For a viewshed calculation, as an input raster I have a DEM of an area. As an input feature a shapefile with 10 turbines. Is it possible to create an output raster where the result is ...
GaryJohnson's user avatar
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Calculating difference between two rasters using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm using ESRI Desktop 10.2 with a spatial analyst extension. Can Spatial Analyst be used to calculate the difference between two water level raster files, or do you have to use 3D Analyst?
cjensen's user avatar
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Selecting polygons below (downhill of) lines using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I am hoping to identify sections of a trail system which are close enough to potentially add sediments to wetlands downhill. To this end, I would like to select polygons (wetlands) that are within a ...
aemdschej's user avatar