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3D modelling with DEMs and ThreeJS

I am trying and right now in the search of methods to visualize 3D terrain with the use of the JS framework "ThreeJS" and so far I have only got through to visualizing with the QGIS2threeJS ...
DilankaMunasinghe's user avatar
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QGIS 3D - no terrain altitude binding for polygons / buildings

My first post to this topic: QGIS 3D - no terrain altitude binding There I have had problems with 3D objects from a point layer. I solved this. Now I have a problem with 3D objects from a polygon ...
juko's user avatar
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Where has the QGIS2threejs Icon gone?

I am trying to create 3D maps. I am using QGis2threejs. I know I can also create a 3D map using 'New 3D Map View', but I want to try QGis2threejs. However I have two questions. When I install the ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Possible to set color based on attribute while using 2.5D symbology?

I'm using 2.5D symbology to have my features display at different heights based on a certain attribute, but would also like the features displayed as different colors based on another attribute. Is ...
gulfy's user avatar
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qgis2threejs height of cylinder based on column value

What i have: A csv file with coordinates (RT90) A Elevation layer What i want to do: In the csv I have some costs and I want the 3D cylinder to represent the costs. Higher cost=Higher cylinder ...
Tobbe's user avatar
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Clickable attributes with qgis2threejs

I have geotagged pictures which I have linked in QGIS to a point shapefile. In the attribute table of the shapefile, you can find the complete path to every picture, so theoretically it is clickable. ...
SnoopyTheCat's user avatar