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How can I improve the accuracy of a DEM using surveyed points?

I have a DEM and many surveyed points in the area. The survey points have centimeter accuracy. The difference between the DEM to the actual height ranges from -20cm to +20cm. It is not a uniform ...
K.Frantzios's user avatar
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Controling accuracy of polygon data using ArcMap

I have a question regarding polygon data. I implemented "Calculate geometry" and the new column includes the area of interest to ha. The problem is with the accuracy of the data. The site ...
StavGian's user avatar
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Classification result from SAGA GIS shifted by 5 meters if used in ArcMap?

I use a band composite of 10 Sentinel-2 bands for my classifications. If I use the same composite in SAGA to make a classification this classification result is shifted by 5 meters to the left and to ...
Julian Backa's user avatar
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Is there a faster way to assess accuracy of image classification in ArcGIS?

I am trying to perform accuracy assessment on a raster RGB image after supervised classification. I know the normal workflow in ArcGIS would be to create accuracy assessment points, then evaluate each ...
Gabriela Escobar's user avatar
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Combing multiple LAS files with different vertical and horizontal accuracy?

The data set in question was made using .las and .zlas files from respectable sources. Data set 1 was collected in the Fall of 2014. The RAW flight line swath data was processed to create classified ...
Nick C's user avatar
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Points to line accuracy concerns in ArcMap

I have a csv of a GPS trace with lat-longs that I want to convert into a line so I can measure the distance. My workflow was as follows: 1) Import csv into ArcMap 10.4 2) Convert latlongs to points ...
Ayesha Shahid's user avatar
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Assessing accuracy of image classification using ArcGIS Desktop? [closed]

I have classified images in ArcGIS Desktop with the support vector machine classifier, and am now struggling with the accuracy assessment. I have only been able to find tutorials on how to do it ...
Cecilia Prinsloo's user avatar
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Adjusting Spatial Accuracy of Ortho Imagery in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have about 35 square miles of orthorectified, high resolution, aerial imagery that is broken down into 620 individual tiff files. I have created a mosaic dataset of the imagery and I am working ...
user1565824's user avatar
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Creating a Grid For Raster When Measuring Land Cover In Accuracy Assessments

I am assessing the accuracy for the 2011 National Land Cover Map (NLCD). Each pixel for the NLCD measures 30m x 30m. For my reference data, I'm using two sources: 1) Google Earth (~20 m ...
Ashley Lynn Tarver's user avatar
5 votes
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Pacific-wide Projection for distance?

I have a data set of ~3500 points located across the Pacific Ocean, and am looking to measure the distance from each point to it's nearest coastline to identify the "host" country. I had originally ...
MBarretts20's user avatar
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Geocoding Adresses with varying levels of reporting accuracy?

I am trying to geocode a database that has, I'll call it "4 tiers", of address types. They are: Numbered Street (e.g. 506 Taproom Way) Cross-street (Happy Road $ Jubilant Blvd) Hundreds Block (500 ...
Lance Farman's user avatar
2 votes
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How to calculate RMSE of geographic coordinates?

I've been working on my project and I stumble upon how I can calculate the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of geographic coordinates. What I have is a derived coordinates from processing LiDAR data ...
user84275's user avatar
13 votes
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ArcGIS Buffer accuracy problem?

Once again I encounter something very strange with ArcGIS. I perform a buffer analysis on one side of a polyline. There seems to be a serious accuracy problem and I can't figure out what the cause is. ...
LarsVegas's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to store Large Raster Images of Equipotential Surface Generation Using Monte Carlo Simulation? [closed]

I have a large (1GB+) raster that I am using as the base for the generation of an equipotential surface. This is to assess the accuracy of DEMs derived from another source. In situ observation is ...
Jay Laura's user avatar
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10 votes
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How does ArcGIS compute the distance between two points with a non-equidistant projection?

This is a follow-up question to my previous one, Can you suggest some well-written introductory texts about coordinate system projections? Let's assume I'm working with the CH1903 map projection, ...
stakx's user avatar
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