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OpenLayers vector accuracy in EPSG:3857 projection

I'm working on a web mapping solution that stores data in PostGIS with EPSG:4326 projection. Everything seems to be good until last week. My customer loaded two shapefiles that some parts are ...
Alper Dincer's user avatar
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Single numbers for accuracy and resolution for vector and raster data?

This question is meant as a modelling question, not having to do with particular data formats. It was edited to better separate spatial accuracy and resolution (precision). In order to make the ...
user1867448's user avatar
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Data gets skewed when re-adding it into the table of contents

some of my data gets re-align every time i re-add it in within the QGIS Table of contents ( like a good 5-10 feet off). I have no idea what could be the cause, I may have the given layer in a ...
Greg Jones's user avatar
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Unable to intersect a shapefile with a set of points

I have a set of 1000 urban points that I'm trying to intersect with a classification result to find the accuracy but I keep getting an error "GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have ...
Bara'a's user avatar
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How to compare two sets of points in QGIS?

I have two point layers with XYZ data; one set are points measured in the field and the second set is a Lidar data set. I want to check the accuracy of the Lidar in comparison to the measured data. ...
H.Wiener's user avatar
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