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Questions tagged [accuracy-assessment]

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Calculate the error distribution of fractional abundance values ​between classes (a spectral mixture analysis issue)

I am trying to estimate the distribution of the under- and overestimation errors that I found in the outputs of a spectral mixture analysis (SMA), i.e. abundance fractional maps (AFM). Specifically, ...
Jando's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to extract random points from a list of polygons in Earth Engine (classification accuracy assessment / "is not a function")?

I am working on an accuracy assessment for my classification and want to do this using random sampling of points from a validation part of my training areas. For this I split the training areas into a ...
pcf42's user avatar
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Difficulty reading a legend

I have downloaded ACCESS-CM2 global climate model for precipitation prediction from 2021 to 2040. I have opened it in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 but found difficulties understanding the legend. it says Red: band ...
Mohamad Ebrahim's user avatar
3 votes
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Accuracy assessment of unsupervised clustering - GEE

I have clustered my map on the basis of NDVI values using an unsupervised approach. I don't have the labels. However, I do have the cluster IDs that were automatically assigned. How do I assess the ...
th145's user avatar
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Perform the accuracy assessment after performing classification on an image collection in GEE

I have classify an image collection using Random Forest classification method by creating a function and mapping that function over image collection. Now, I am stuck with accuracy assesment. Because ...
Syed Ahmed Raza's user avatar
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Accuracy assessment 0.99 Google Earth Engine

I've successfully run my classification using Landsat but my accuracy gives me 0.99 which might be too good to be true. Here is my script. What might the problem be? //Define AOI and predefined ...
Kanya Xongo's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine - Error Matrix transposed?

I'm a bit confused, and maybe someone can solve my problem of understanding. I've classified some imagery and performed my accuracy assessment. While following the usage guideline for ee....
Finn Geiger's user avatar
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Accuracy assessment on multiple classified images

I am attempting to compare the accuracy of multiple different classified images I have created from a single raster. Basically, I want to avoid having to input 'ground truth' values for each accuracy ...
Matt Dupasquier's user avatar
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Calculate accuracy assessment for MNDWI classified image (Overall accuracy, Kappa)

I want to find a way to calculate the accuracy assessment for a classified image (classified by mndwi threshold). I already had the classified image and the reference water body in shapefile format ...
Minh Vu Anh's user avatar
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How to calculate 2 sigma circular approximation for GNSS positional accuracy?

I'm using gpsd application and I get the positional accuracy related data, i.e., semi-major axis accuracy semi-minor axis accuracy and semi-major axis orientation of the error ellipse. These values ...
RAMANA REDDY's user avatar
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How to Interpret eCognition Best Classification Result [closed]

I am learning eCognition using the trial version. Having completed an object-based classification, I wanted to view the accuracy. I can't though find any straight-forward guidance on how to interpret ...
Sean Jarrett's user avatar
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Accuracy assessment in GEE with an external data source

I'm new on GEE and I'm trying to perform an accuracy assessment of a supervised classification from S1 of a flood area, by the use of a confusion matrix. Once the model is created, in order to ...
Riccardo Ferri's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Accuracy assessment resulting values as strings in GEE

I am trying to create a panel that shows a value on the map. The value should show the resulting value of an accuracy assessment(for instance: ConfusionMatrix.accuracy()). I am using the following ...
OscarBau's user avatar
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