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Questions tagged [add-in]

An extension to a software program that performs a custom task.

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2 answers

Converting Add-in file in ModelBuilder or ArcPy from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro [closed]

We have an ArcMap Add-in file and we would like to open it, to see how it works to convert it to ArcGIS Pro.
Margarida Silva's user avatar
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Nuget package is using a local version of a DLL in ArcGIS Pro, instead of what the package actually depends on

Problem:- Dll mismatches. ArcGIS Pro version 3.1 contains the DLL System.ServiceModel.Primitives Version= in its' bin folder. My solution contains an add-in that relies on 4 projects also in ...
ZZZ's user avatar
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How to add a context menu to the Catalog/Project/Folders-Entries in an AddIn for ArcGIS Pro?

How to add a context menu to the Catalog/Project/Folders-Entries? I use C# for creating an AddIn for ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I got a feature request to add a new context menu entry to the "Catalog/...
Gener4tor's user avatar
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Adding button in LayerSwitcher (Openlayers)?

Got a layerswitcher in OpenLayers (ol-layerswitcher), added to a sidebar. I would like to add buttons, for example, to &...
Andreia Gusmao's user avatar
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Programmatically check if editing session in progress for ArcGIS Pro SDK

I have a C# Add-In program for ArcGIS Pro. I would like to check if the user is currently editing, or no. I recommend my users carefully toggle their edit sessions, following the recommendation in ...
lep's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro 3.1 AddIn doesn't work with: System.ServiceModel

My ArcGIS Pro 3.1 AddIn uses System.ServiceModel to open a communication via pipes to a service. I added "System.ServiceModel" to the Assablies (References) and Built it without errors. But ...
Gener4tor's user avatar
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How to set and read a version in an ArcGIS Pro AddIn-File?

I am creating a c# AddIn for ArcGIS Pro 3.1. As there are a lot of users I want to use our deployment tool. This tool works with the version of the file to check if there is a need to deploy a new ...
Gener4tor's user avatar
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2 answers

Using temporary layer in ArcGIS Pro

I use C# for creating an AddIn for ArcGIS Pro 3.1. One of the features of the AddIn is to jump to a position. var wgs84 = SpatialReferences.WGS84; var pointInWGS84 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(...
Gener4tor's user avatar
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Can geodatabase edits be canceled/modified with ArcObjects?

I am working on some tools to automate some field data collection. I would like to restrict the user's ability to delete features (such as when the DELETE key is pressed, or if the MERGE editor tool ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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What is going on in ArcMap AddIn?

I have an ArcMap-addin which is working from ArcMap 10.2 until 10.8 but since an undefinite time in undefined circumstances there happen things that I can't explain. I'm searching for the cause while ...
Frau Schmidt's user avatar
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How can I Embed BaseTool to winform in ArcObjects?

I am new to C# and still doing research. I open a windows form from a dockablewindow menu in ArcMap. I also have a button in WindowsForm, and when I click this button, I want to draw a feature on the ...
Veysel Alceylan's user avatar
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Downloading file asynchronously within ArcMap using C#

I am writing an AddIn for ArcGIS 10.x using C#. I want to asynchronously download a file within ArcMap using HttpClient. My test code works in a hello world app but just hangs when I debug it in ...
narmaps's user avatar
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Insert OLE/ActiveX objects (Excel) into ArcMap Layout using ArcObjects c#

I am trying to create an ArcMap Add-In in which I need to insert a sheet of an Excel file into the Layout using ArcObjects. I can't find the slightest example of how to implement this. The ...
Влад Сычёв's user avatar
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C-sharp Add-in button issues

I have C# code for an Add-in button in ArcMap (10.8). An ArcGIS add-in would be built if no errors found in the C# code when building solutions. In the beginning, I resolved some errors by installing ...
Song's user avatar
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ArcMap stops working after installation of add-in [closed]

I developed an extension for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.1 using ArcObjects and C#. After a colleague tried to install the Add-In using the ESRI ArcGIS Add-In Installation Utility, his ArcMap could not be ...
Philipp Wöhlte's user avatar
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Resetting ArcGIS Pro Add in

Recently I had ArcGIS Pro crashes because of an add in I installed. I followed the instructions for a clean uninstall of Pro and reinstalled it. But after re-install the add in still caused pro to ...
mconn's user avatar
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Lost ArcMap Add-in Toolbar Built with ArcObjects SDK in .NET and Problem with AssemblyCache folder and ArcGIS Cache Manager

Our organization manages an ArcMap 10.6.1 add-in written using the ArcObjects SDK for .NET Framework 4.7.2. We publish the add-in file to a server folder. We edited the registry to make ArcMap look ...
Thor's user avatar
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Adding AddIn to ArcMap UI automatically after AddIn installed?

For example: I create a basic MainMenu "My Menu" AddIn by VS2010, and add "isRootMenu=true", complie and install the addin, open ArcMap, I have to open the customize dialog -> ...
litouphone's user avatar
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How to package an image with an Addin so it can be added to page layout?

This post shows the code I'm using to insert an image into the page layout. It works fine, but it's using a hard coded path. Adding picture to ArcMap PageLayout using ArcObjects in .NET? Currently my ...
Mattropolis's user avatar
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Street Smart for ArcGIS Pro

I installed Street Smart Plugin for ArcGIS Pro I Also added the plugin: But the app is still disabled: How to enable it?
biso hbb's user avatar
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Elevation profile add-in for ArcGIS not producing graph

I am trying to create an elevation profile graph using a river line shapefile and the add-in (with ArcMap 10.4.1). So I select my feature, click the "Create a profile for the selected feature" ("...
Bulbuzor's user avatar
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How to bootstrap an MSI to Esri .NET Add-in

I support an old COM extension to ArcMap built using ArcObjects, and I'm exploring the possibility of porting it to an Add-in. The main benefit I'm seeking with the add-in is its ease of deployment: ...
Dan Narsavage's user avatar
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Scrolling TOC programmatically using ArcObjects in ArcMap AddIn?

I've created the small add-in command for ArcMap, that allows find in TOC and select the layer by it's alias or feature class name. Useful when map document contains several hundreds of layers. The ...
Astor's user avatar
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Add-In to Switch Selection [ArcMap 10.4]

I'm creating a suite of add-in tools on a tool bar, and using this tool as a test. How I want it to work is thus: I have a buffer which has already been cut up by a line feature class I select the ...
Matt Houston's user avatar
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Programmatically open Viewer/Magnifier window in ArcMap 10.2+

Is there a way to programmatically open Viewer/Magnifier etc. windows of ArcMap from Add-In? I am using 10.2, but anything 10.2+ will be fine.
shika-kun's user avatar
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ArcGIS Addin disables itself

I have some custom ArcMap addins that I have built over the last couple of years. In one specific client environment, the addin installs correctly but when the user clicks the tool to execute it, the ...
skorzekwa's user avatar
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Silent install of ArcGIS Pro Add-In

We are currently migrating to ArcGIS Pro 2.2, with new add-in to improve our workflow. Our Add-in have been shared on a common network drive so far. But our main concern is that we are not admin on ...
mel's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Add-In, MVVM getting filepath in viewmodel but showing only filename in view

I have an ArcGIS Pro Addin that I need to get a path to gdb for some processing, I would like to do this but show only gdb name in text box. I have a behaviors class and a viewmodel and a view. I ...
Gary Lester's user avatar
2 votes
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GRASS 7.4 addons look installed but not accessable

I'm tring to install the addon v.centerline using the GRASS GUI 'Fetch & install extension from GRASS Addons'. I get the following message saying it's installed yet it doesn't show up. I tried ...
brink's user avatar
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How to configure a custom ArcGIS Pro Add-in

How can ArcGIS Pro add-ins be configured? I am building an add-in for ArcGIS Pro. This add-in will access external resources via HTTP calls to a SOAP service i have built. I want to be able to "point"...
VBAHole's user avatar
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Debugging Military Tools for ArcGIS?

I am looking to make some updates to the Distance and Direction AddIn for ArcGIS. I have downloaded the source code and opened the solution. However, I cannot seem to get the project to output any ...
sinDizzy's user avatar
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Error messages are not getting logged. I have created an Add-In button. I am using log4Net library for logging.

When i run Add-In button project on my machine, logging is being done successfully but as soon as i take the Add-In button and install it into different machine , no logging of messages occurs. Is it ...
jay's user avatar
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How to hide a button in my ArcGIS AddIn

I have developed an AddIn for ArcGIS 10.4 using Visual Studio 2015. My AddIn has several "buttons" defined in the config.esriaddinx XML file. It is possible to completely hide a button when ArcMap ...
narmaps's user avatar
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Aligning dropped down list to edit area of combo in ArcMap AddIn?

I have created the ArcMap addin, according to walkthrough: "Building custom UI elements using add-ins". Now I don't know how to get rid of annoying "feature": the label of the combo placed to the ...
Gena's user avatar
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How to modify combo boxes lists in .esriAddIn, with no access to Visual Studio or SDK

I have an .esriAddIn project made for ArcGIS 10.0, and I want to modify the combo boxes lists with up-to-date values. My organisation has moved forward with Visual Studio 2013, ArcGIS 10.3, and ...
Niko's user avatar
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Inscrutable behavior of ArcMap add-in? [closed]

I'm developing an ArcMap add-in that takes some specific data from our database, generates some new layers on the map, then populates a multi-select box within the add-in. All of that was largely ...
DaveWork's user avatar
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Communicating with separate ArcGIS Add-in?

Is it possible to access the functions or properties of an ArcGIS Add-in project (C#) from another Add-in at run time? I have a custom ArcMap application extension installed and I would like an Add-...
Rich Wawrzonek's user avatar
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Adding a Tool to a DockableWindow add-in

I have inherited a C# ESRI (ArcMap) add-in that needs a UI tweak (the rest of the changes are completed). And I had no previous experience with such add-ins before starting on this. The add-in in ...
user3597638's user avatar
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Arc Map Addin creation problem with Visual Studio 2015 and ArcGIS 10.5.1

I am working with ArcMap Addins(Visual studio 2015 and ArcGIS 10.5.1 and OS Windows 7). code compiling time I got a error. same code I have used In Visual studio 2012 and Arc GIS 10.2 it is creation ...
user109058's user avatar
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Addin Not working in ArcMap

I'm trying to configure Positions Desktop AddIn (v10.5.0.2) with Esri ArcMap(10.4.1) for the first time yet not having any luck. The Positions single use license is activated and the software is ...
GISMapper's user avatar
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Installing module within code with pip and ArcPy? [closed]

I am creating an arcmap add-in which relies on a third party module, usaddress. I am using pip to install the usaddress module on the user's computer. When I run the add in however, it says that ...
ketar's user avatar
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ArcGIS 10.5 add-ins folder issue

I have ArcGIS 10.5 and some add-ins which I want to be automatically updated after making some corrections. Recently I have found a function that provides ArcGIS to do it. This is all about Add-in ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
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FeatureClass.Search freeze

ArcMap add-in is freezing on .Search() by spatial filter. Here is my code, for ArcMap add-in 10.3 version. When I used it with Oracle databases, happens only on one instance, works perfectly with ...
shika-kun's user avatar
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ArcMap add-in to make connection and load the database on VB.NET

I'm new at Arcobjects programming. Currently I'm trying to make an ArcMap Add-in which can connect and load a database into ArcMap. I have found samples on the Esri website, but it seems not to be ...
Labed Hichem's user avatar
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Tutorial on migrating Add-ins from ArcGIS 10.x (ArcObjects) to ArcGIS Pro for Microsoft VB.NET? [closed]

I can't seem to find any comprehensive tutorials on migrating (recreating comparable functionality) of 10.x (ArcObjects) VB.Net Add-ins to ArcGIS PRO SDK Add-ins. When migrating from Avenue, ESRI ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
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How to insert rows into a geodatabase bypassing an active edit session

I'm developing an ArcMap addin with ArcObjects 10.3.1 SDK that needs to have an active edit session to work. It creates new rows after a check process and stores them in a datatable into a file ...
Jose's user avatar
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Can't save persisted IGeometry object into an ObjectStream

I was able to store a serialized IGeometry object into an string field in a datatable from a File Geodatabase. For performance issues and since the object implements IPersistStream, I want to save ...
Jose's user avatar
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Debugging ArcObjects SDK 10.3 addins with ArcMap 10.4

I recently upgraded my version of ArcMap from 10.3 to 10.4.1, including all extensions, patches, etc. I did not remove the 10.3 ArcObjects SDK, as I wanted to continue to develop 10.3 compatible ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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Closing AddIn in ArcGIS with Visual Studio 2013? [closed]

I was working in ArcGIS 10.2 with VBA but now I work with Visual Studio 2013 to create addins. I need to close all processes, I did this with the end statement in VBA but I don't find a command to ...
luis merizalde's user avatar
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86 views Addin Toolbar only works once

I created a toolbar using ArcObjects 10.0 which does some heavy processing in the onClick event of the only button it includes. It works fine however it works only once. If I click again on the button ...
Akhil Kumar's user avatar

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