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24 votes
6 answers

Moving vectors to specified coordinates in QGIS?

I have a layer of vectors located around, say, (100, 100), and I want to move them to new coordinate like (1000, 1000). How should I do it using QGIS?
ChanDon's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Convert longitude/latitude to pixels on the map

I have a map from here. I want to be able to simply convert arbitrary lon/lat pair to pixels on the map (also the ability to do reverse conversion). The maps come with .tfw file and projection info, ...
Dmytro Marchuk's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Real-world example of Affine Transform?

From the Wikipedia article: In geometry, an affine transformation or affine map or an affinity (from the Latin, affinis, "connected with") between two vector spaces (strictly speaking, two affine ...
geographika's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to find a particular coordinate on a Sentinel image using proj:transform?

Background I am retrieving images from the Sentinel satellites. I plot these images, using pixel coordinates. I would like to show points specified using latitude and longitude on those images. Data ...
zabop's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Transforming data from a rotated pole lat-lon grid into regular lat-lon coordinates in QGIS?

I am working with data from a numerical weather model, the output of which is given in grid cells where I have the lat-lon coordinates of each cell's center point. The lat-lon specifications are, ...
jonaswp's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Determining coordinates of a SHP file

i have a SHP file of a building converted from a DXF file. This SHP file is unprojected and have no specific coordinates (origin 0,0). I find WGS84 coordinates (lat, long) of this building from Google ...
SpaceEarth's user avatar
5 votes
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Defining a coordinate system in WKT or PROJ format that has an Affine transformaiton and bounds

I need to define a local coordinate system via OGC WKT or PROJ form. I know they have implemented Affine transformations in Proj 5 but I am unsure of how to implement it. The base projection is from ...
Christian Leidersdorff's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a vector affine transformation tool in QGIS2?

In QGIS 1.8, I can transform my point layer with the plugin "Affine transformation". So, this plugin don't exist in QGIS 2.0. Do you know a method to simply translate (i.e : X -> X+30000) in QGIS 2 ? ...
pasqal's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Non-Earth System in QGIS?

What I need is a function for Non Earth Coordinates in QGIS (both projects and layers). They should be mappable to any projected coordinate system (like SWEREF99TM). Why: In the Mining industry we ...
PeterW's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Converting coordinates from a local coordinate reference system

I am trying to define a local CRS in R based on the information in the screenshot image below My R code is as follows: I define the local CRS from the screenshot image I apply it to my dummy ...
val's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Using Affine Transformation to expand polygons in QGIS

I have a shape file, and I'd like to grow each feature by 13.7% or 14%. The program crashes every-time I try to use affine transformation. Any recommendations? I don't have a license for ARCgis. ...
wayne-m's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to transform unknown coordinates?

I have two lists of coordinates in lat/long format which are showing the same points but in different coordinate systems. I need to find the corresponding points in two datasets using distance but ...
msc87's user avatar
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1 answer

Using ST_Affine() and trans_param() functions on vector layer

After reading this post How to georeference a vector layer with control points? I decided to give it a try to move/rotation/scale a polygon using Postgis. I have two polygons, polygon_from and ...
Xianlin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use affine transform parameters in a PROJ or WKT2 string

Can anyone show me how I can construct a PROJ or WKT2 string with affine transformation parameters to create a custom CRS in QGIS? I wish to use the following affine transformation parameters to ...
rsf69's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

rasterio reprojection produces no visible changes

I've been trying to perform translation of a raster using the reproject function from rasterio.warp. I've calculated the translation amount in X and Y from a series of "control points" ...
Guilherme's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Spatial transformation of latitudes and longitudes that preserve distances between points

I have a set of lat,lon points. I would like to apply a spatial transformation (rotate, translate) to place these points somewhere else on the earth surface (for anonymization purposes), but preserve ...
Laura Maria Alessandretti's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Coordinate transformation for antenna pointing

I may have bitten off more than I can chew with some coordinate transformation math. As a background, I'm working on a project where we need to mechanically point an antenna to a receiving tower. The ...
Sittin Hawk's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Visually correcting systematic shift between two geodatasets using QGIS

The equivalent question has been asked wrt ArcMap, but I'm using QGIS and am also an inexperienced user. I have multiple rasters, provided as GeoTIFFs, that are all projected to the same custom CRS ...
mshirley's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Digitized Shapefile manually using wrong projection: how to fix it?

I have a raster in correct projection. I used shapefiles, and marked objects (manually), but I found out that my vector layers have different projection, so they have different size and position. Is ...
NCrit's user avatar
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Custom-derived CRS by affine transformation from EPSG:32633: Setting as layer-CRS works only for current QGis-session. Information lost after restart

I am working with QGIS 3.16, Win10. With help of another SE-user I created several derived CRS by an affine transformation from EPSG:32633 CRS (see below) in order to shift some related layers a ...
jaysigg's user avatar
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Wrong transform after interpolating points

Following this post, I'ms trugglig wwith interpolation and projection of set of points. I have used griddata in order to interpolate, and seems like interpolation hapenns, however, the results look ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Visually correcting systematic shift between two geodatasets using ArcMap

I often have two datasets that are obviously not georeferenced correctly. Most of the time a simple translation (shift by x/y) could fix this. Is there an easy way to do this e.g. by specifying one or ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Transform coordinates from custom projection to lat long PyProj

I am trying to convert a pair of coordinates specified in US survey feet on a custom transverse mercator projection to lat/long using PyProj. I must be doing something wrong because I cannot get the ...
narmaps's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I find these values for an Affine Transformation (state plane to local grid)?

so I need to perform some kind of transformation. I have a bunch of points like so: <record id="Localization Points" > <record id="Point 1" > <value name="Lat&...
Charles Pettis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to reproject vector data?

I am evaluating QGIS with a view to visualize and manage geological exploration data. The information is currently stored in different local coordinate systems that I am looking to overlay with ...
user20763's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to remove banding artifact in R after reprojecting sf with st_transform

I have several global map layers I am plotting using ggplot() + geom_sf() + etc. All data is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs". My goal is to have Eurasia be a contiguous land mass. This ...
rps's user avatar
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1 answer

Defining rotated CRS with WKT

I am trying to figure out how to display a rotated grid correctly with GeoServer with using the affine transformation in WKT as described here: Defining coordinate reference system with rotation in ...
Elias's user avatar
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0 answers

Reprojection problem with Rasterio

I have already processed so far NDSI map by using Rrasterio, NumPy, os and matplotlib.pyplot for plotting the data. Now, I would like to eliminate permanent ice from NDSI map. I am facing one major ...
Tua's user avatar
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0 answers

Reprojecting trouble: shapes saved in one EPSG load as another EPSG in QGIS and are 200m off?

I'm in a mixed working environment with some ESRI licenses and several people working with QGIS. For a project, we created data and received data in EPSG 31468 (Gauß-Krüger Zone 4). We now need to ...
aae's user avatar
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0 answers

Weather data in rotating grid without time dimension or vertical dimension or CRS

I am a beginner using QGIS 2.18.15. I am having some trouble to find the right coordinate reference system for wind speed data of Europe from the German Weather forecast service (DWD). (ftp://ftp-...
K. Friday's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Transformation from local projection to WGS84

I'd like to reproject point that is in local coordinate system to the WGS84, using gdal. But exception "No PROJ.4 translation for source SRS, coordinate transformation initialization has failed" ...
Konstantyn Alexandrov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Creating Affine for 2D Linear Transformation of Fixed Bounding Box

I am currently trying to create an Affine which can transform data from longitude and latitude to a custom CRS that a client is using. Unfortunately the person who originally made this CRS has left ...
Ayrton Bourn's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Transforming / stretching map or it's part in particular direction

I am trying to model ancient land surfaces we can 'rollback' geological folding and faulting. This is called palinspastic modelling or mapping. So I have an area that due to folding and faulting was ...
WestCorkPalaeo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to transform a shapefile with a MN03 (LV03) coordinate system into a shapefile with a MN95 (LV95) coordinate system?

Switzerland is currently introducing new coordinates: by the end of 2016, all federal and cantonal reference data (e.g. the Swiss cadastral system) sould be transformed to the new highly-accurate LV95 ...
Virginie Favre's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Reprojecting vector layer

I have a dxf file and use this tool to convert it to shapefile. Then I apply some affine transformations and get a shapefile that does not fit the shapefiles downloaded from osm (EPSG:4326). I know ...
Martin0x777's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unexpected crsTransform after reducing an ImageCollection: nominal scale shows 111319.49079327357

I have created an Image from an Imagecollection and I want to export it and to define the crsTransform parameter. I have read the documentation and the post on this forum and tried to export it , and ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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2 answers

Reading CRS and Affine transformation from a NetCDF with CF conventions

I have a NetCDF with geographical information. I'd like to obtain a GeoTIFF file with rasterio. The problem is how to translate the geographical information from CF standard to something that GeoTIFF ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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1 answer

Apply same coordinate system to raster image and GeoJSON with rasterio

I have a dataset containing raster images and corresponding features in geojson files. I would like to use rasterio.features.rasterize to create a footprint image of the features on the raster image, ...
mommermi's user avatar
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0 answers

PostGIS: Custom projection matrix from known points

I have a PNG image of a map (mercator) and known points in a table like this: coord_map - geometry(Point, 0) coord_real - geometry(Point, 4326) 010100000000000000000000000000000000000000 (0,0) ...
JaFu0815's user avatar
1 vote
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CRS rotation in Geoserver

I want to add rotation angle for a custom metric CRS, that I created before in the Geoserver. I tryed two methods: Adding a WKT-stroke of rotated CRS to the Geoserver as usual. The example of such ...
Anna's user avatar
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0 answers

Combining affine transformations and COMPOUNDCRS

I have a need to define a WKT CRS which is both affine-transformed in 2D, and vertically shifted in the height direction. What I would like to say is something like this: COMPOUNDCRS["Modified ...
Pseudonym's user avatar
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0 answers

Change the origin point of the GeoTIFF files using Rasterio

I created a GeoTIFF file in Python (v3.8) using Rasterio (v1.2.10). The upper left corner is defined as the GeoTIFF file's origin point, which causes some difficulties in subsequent steps. Is there ...
Reza Rezaei's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Transforming raster with matrix

I would like to apply a similarity transformation matrix (potentially a homography matrix) on a valid raster (with proper CRS, resolution, bounds, width height, etc). The 1st image is the original ...
Lion Lai's user avatar
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0 answers

Custom Projection Definition - Excel Formula to ArcGIS Pro

I have been given an Excel formula for converting a custom projection coordinate point to a known defined system (state plane AZ East) I'm trying to get create a custom projection definition in ArcGIS ...
MatthewJSlezak's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Cannot georeference an image using a custom projection in QGIS

I am trying to georeference a map using a custom projection I created in QGIS. I get the error Transform failed: "Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable" Does anyone have ...
Angie's user avatar
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Transform rectangle from decimal degrees to Cartesian coordinates

I'm trying to achieve the following: Given four coordinates (lat, lng) decimal degrees and a query coordinate within the formed shape, how can I transform these coordinates into Cartesian space where ...
Baz's user avatar
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QGIS custom CRS from Mapinfo definition

How do I define a custom CRS in QGIS from the Mapinfo grid definition below? "MIM Grid",1008,33,7,139.48639389,-20.69008981, 1.000063,0,0,7,0.998796124,-0.049054077,12520.6,0.049054077,0.998796124,...
benny the spaceman's user avatar
1 vote
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Define Custom CRS for working with SVG

I can't seem to figure out a way to define a custom PROJ4 projection that can mirror geometries (e.g. inverse x to -x and y to -y and vice versa). Other than that, I don't need any transformations or ...
Matthie456's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Difference results from QGIS project on fly and gdalwarp for EPSG:4326 of Sentinel 2 UTM zone 32?

I always thought QGIS and gdalwarp should return same result for projecting a 2D Sentinel 2 image (e.g: T32UQD_20200421T102021_TCI_60m.jp2) from UTM 32 to EPSG:4326. What I did was: Open the .jp2 in ...
Bằng Rikimaru's user avatar
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Rasterio Affine Transformation - Inverted

I am trying to understand how to properly set up an affine transformation using Rasterio. I have read through guides online and I have used the format provided but for some reason, it does not seem to ...
JMurfitt's user avatar