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How to remove banding artifact in R after reprojecting sf with st_transform

I have several global map layers I am plotting using ggplot() + geom_sf() + etc. All data is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs". My goal is to have Eurasia be a contiguous land mass. This ...
rps's user avatar
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Converting coordinates from a local coordinate reference system

I am trying to define a local CRS in R based on the information in the screenshot image below My R code is as follows: I define the local CRS from the screenshot image I apply it to my dummy ...
val's user avatar
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2 answers

2D affine conversion's coefficients

I would like to calculate coefficients of a 2D affine conversion between two images. Let me know of online pages that can help make programs using C or C++ or provide an application. I need a program ...
LenItsuki's user avatar
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Performing affine transformation on shapefile with OGR, GDAL or other command line tools [closed]

Transformations with WKT or EPSG code are made easy with ogr2ogr, but are there tools for me to define my own affine transformation to apply to the coordinates of a shapefile? Or, in general, is ...
Zimo's user avatar
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Defining the boundary of a catchment area

I digitized contour lines from topographic maps and created a DEM. With the DEM, I estimated the boundary of a catchment area. Estimated positional accuracy of topographic maps is RMSE = 65 m, with a ...
Samuel-Rosa's user avatar
5 votes
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Seeking QGIS affine equation?

I am at the mercy of a govt authority who have provided utility information in a cad format with a 0,0 origin and a nonsense grid. About a dozen files, the grid and origin are entirely arbitrary. To ...
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