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Questions tagged [albers]

For questions about the Albers Equal Area Conical Projection

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How to create a US map in R with separation between states, when using albersusa & plotly?

Does anyone have know how to access the longitude and latitude in albersusa? Currently, I'm working with a choropleth U.S. map in R using albersusa and the plot_geo() function from the plotly package (...
pseudorandom's user avatar
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Coordinate Bar Units in BC Albers (EPSG:3005) - QGIS 3.10

I am having some confusion with the coordinates bar in QGIS (3.10). Please correct me if I am wrong. If using BC Albers (EPSG:3005) coordinate reference system (units are meters), the two values in ...
MuchStack's user avatar
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How to show Puerto Rico in "albersUsa" projection in Vega-Lite or Vega?

I have a shapefile that has all the US counties along with Puerto Rico and I want to visualize them in "albersUsa" projection using Vega or Vega-Lite. Problem is that in other projections, ...
jar's user avatar
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Is the ESRI ArcGIS definition of California Albers projection using units of feet correct?

There is a map projection promulgated by the government of the state of California and recommended for use in certain state and municipal regulations. It is an Albers Equal Area projection with ...
D.Mac's user avatar
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Replicating standard D3.js Conical US Albers projection in QGIS?

Oftentimes, when I see maps of the US rendered online, they use a custom version of the Albers projection, like so: Alaska and Hawaii are off to the side, nicely arranged. I'd like to replicate this ...
scrollex's user avatar
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