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Questions tagged [apache]

Apache in this context implies the Apache HTTP open-source web server; it shouldn't be used for other software packages developed under the Apache Software Foundation.

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Locally render a tile exactly like mod_tile/renderd would

I'm slowly learning the machinery involved in running a custom tile server for openstreetmap. I have a fully functioning setup more or less straight from this switch2osm guide but I'm curious about ...
pipe's user avatar
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GeoJSON is null error in a Leaflet + D3.js

I am developing a web page with Leaflet and D3.js that draws the distribution density contours of a bird species (Ciconia ciconia) with data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). I ...
Acperience's user avatar
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QGIS Server available only on port :8001

I installed QGIS Server on Windows and Windows Server (x64) following the official guide - Changing Listen ...
9 Val's user avatar
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QGIS Server - error in insert transaction (size too large)

I'm using QGIS Server for my application. I do an insertion in a QGIS project through the app. The transaction XML body contains a property that is an image in base64 format. I receive an internal ...
AlejandroOG's user avatar
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Protect www directory of GeoServer

I use the www directory of my GeoServer to serve different maps, mostly with Leaflet. Now I want to restrict the access with login credentials. I allready tried to get a htpasswd protection working, ...
MrSalamikuchen's user avatar
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JDBC connection fails: Unique index or primary key violation

I use tile cache for my raster layers, but my configuration was probably not perfect because recently my GeoServer stopped working. I think it was due to a lack of available disk space. To get access ...
GisUser's user avatar
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Install QGIS Server with Apache

I'm installing QGIS Server with Apache. I manage to install but I notice that I get a 302 code. attraverso questo comando: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi I created the file as the guide says qgis....
Guido Fonzo's user avatar
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QGIS-Server and Virtualhost: Problems

Following the official guide to install QGIS-Server 3.22 I install without problems QGIS and ...
Vittorio Emanuele Iervolino's user avatar
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How to disable error message-dialog in apache.batik.swing when displaing a SVG file?

I get an error message box when displaying a SVG file with apache batik swing. Is it possible to turn it off or even better, get it to accept SVG-parameters? The simple code is: import org.apache....
Paul's user avatar
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GeoServer CORS Error only in Firefox and mobile Browsers

I have created an Openlayers Web Client, which is able to do GET and POST Requests to a Geoserver WFS(-T). I enabled CORS in the Geoserver web.xml file (Geoserver is installed in Tomcat) by adding ...
Chris_98's user avatar
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mapnik-renderd error: FATAL: role "_renderd" does not exist

mapnik-renderd error: FATAL: role "_renderd" does not exist I've been following this tutorial to making an osm tile server on Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL), but after restarting the renderd service ...
Maria's user avatar
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-2 votes
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GeoNetwork 4.2.1 (Debian) : install error message

I'm a newbie with GeoNetwork. I work on a Linux Debian server. I downloaded the last war file v4.2.1. I pasted it into /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps. The GeoNetwork log is below. What could be wrong? ...
user35117's user avatar
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Lizmap "Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource." Ubuntu 20.04

After installing QGIS Server and the Lizmap Webclient I am encountering the error Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. when trying to access http://serverip/lizmap. My Setup: ...
user16405492's user avatar
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Access forbidden during the installation of the Lizmap server on Windows

How can I successfully install Lizmap? I have exhausted all the means of research without success. In fact, for more than a week I have tried to install lizmap on Windows. At the step of the Apache ...
yvemalongo's user avatar
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How to avoid WFS filtering CORS error in XAMPP

The XAMPP is serving as webserver and the website is accessible via http://localhost/Portal/Basic/. I am using WFS (Web Feature Service) from the external server
ravindraji4's user avatar
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Trying to use GDAL in Windows Apache WSGI with Python 3.9.5 from OSGeo4W

Not much is missing and I'm going crazy. I'm pulling my hair out to get GDAL running under WSGI in Windows Apache using a Python 3.9.5 Installation from OSGeo4W. I have installed QGIS 3.24.2 with GDAL ...
christoph's user avatar
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WFS requests taking 60 seconds to load

I have a website and GeoServer running on an Ubuntu LAMP stack. GeoServer is running through Tomcat. Everything is working except WFS requests are taking way too long (~60 seconds). I have a ...
cobbBR's user avatar
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Top extra layer tree entry is blank in my QGIS Server WMS drop down menu

I have set up a QGIS server using apache on Windows and have added some test data, but compared to other WMS layers added from other organisations, there appears to be an extra layer to my layers tree ...
David Laverty's user avatar
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GeoServer keeps redirecting to /geoserver/

I have geoserver installed on Debian. On top of that I run apache that proxies requests to jetty. ProxyPass /geoserver http://localhost:8080/geoserver ProxyPassReverse /geoserver http://localhost:8080/...
S.Pols's user avatar
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How to configure Geoserver 2.19 to make a call to external WMS via Proxy?

In the development environment, Geoserver has been installed under a standalone Apache tomcat and it is exposed directly to the internet. Since Apache Tomcat has not been configured via proxy, the ...
BJoy's user avatar
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Proxy pass for GeoServer not working properly [duplicate]

I have GeoServer 2.18.2 hosted on tomcat 9. http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/geoserver/web With the IP it is working perfectly fine. To use it within OpenLayers I was needed it behind SSL. So through proxypass ...
Awais Khan's user avatar
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Unauthorized SQL Query Execution warning- ArcGIS map services

A security scan of an application I maintain that uses several ArcGIS 10.7.1 map services (hosted with stand alone ArcGIS Server, not Enterprise, on AWS server, with IIS as web server) produced this ...
JasonBK's user avatar
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Setting up MapServer with existing XAMPP

I am trying to set up MapServer with my existing XAMPP on Windows. I downloaded and extracted it into my C://-folder next to my xampp-folder. Now I would like to use XAMPP to run my ...
jonsken's user avatar
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Orthophotoplan cannot be viewed in openlayers due to HTTPS [duplicate]

I have the following problem on the server: I have a server configured on HTTPS for apache and a TOMCAT that keeps GeoServer configured HTTP and when I try to bring images from GeoServer to OpenLayers ...
CoderCoder42's user avatar
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Installing QGIS Server on existing Apache/PHP on Windows 10

Using OSGeo4W installer, I installed QGIS server while having already Apache/PHP on my computer. And I got this message: The requested URL was not found on this server when I tested the QGIS Server ...
Hubert Djéteinboua's user avatar
-1 votes
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PostGIS Web service call function

I have spatial function in my PostgreSQL/PostGIS DB that when sent a set of coordinates (Long Lat) returns single value. I am not a web developer but I would like to serve the function up as a web ...
Chris L's user avatar
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QGIS Server working well on local VM but remote server config fail

Trying to understand how to setup QGIS Server I started on a local Ubuntu VM. After a day of debuging I got something that's work. I try to replicate the same on my hosted VM (GCP). I got the ...
Ragnar's user avatar
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PHP: Call to undefined function pg_connect() with MS4W for PostgreSQL

I am trying to add dynamic interactions with my PostgreSQL 12 database to my web page with the PostGIS extension that I use with PgAdmin 4. I use an Apache web server that I installed with MS4W. For ...
Teyhryu's user avatar
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QGIS Server 3.10 LTR on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS not working

I have a virtual server which is running Ubuntu 18.04. I've installed the qgis repo for ubuntu-ltr and followed along the tutorial:
legnad's user avatar
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Nominatim 3.4.1 installation fails on Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to install Nominatim 3.4.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 using the instructions here. When it is time to setup the Apache Web Server I get the following error after entering this command in the terminal....
GBG's user avatar
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Using PHP on Webservers and PostgreSQL

I'm creating a general webapp that is displaying data from a Postgres database hosted on Digital Ocean. My problem is that I can't get the PHP script to run on my webserver(hosted by Hostgator) to ...
AdamGIS's user avatar
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How to setup my Tileserver-php

I have downloaded "xampp-windows-x64-7.3.6-3-VC15-installer.exe" and installed only Apache and PHP. My Apache server is running. I have download "tileserver-php-master" and paste the folder in path ...
Sachin's user avatar
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Mapserver weird output of REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1

Once I use REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1 in my browser with the mapserv I get the following: $ cat ~/Downloads/ms ELF>�@@!@8 @@@@��888�� �� � �� �� � TTTDDP�tdLLQ�...
Gery's user avatar
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mapcache + sqlite + http2 nginx

searching for the maximum speed I can get from our mapcache service, I'm going to make some test in a new server (AWS EC2) with Nginx as a reverse proxy and Apache before to update the live system. ...
DevWizard's user avatar
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Displaying GeoJSON using Ajax and Leaflet?

I have been trying for days to load a GeoJSON file using Ajax and Leaflet. I can get the map & index.html to load using an Apache server and such but the GeoJSON itself does not show up. Here is ...
OBMGIS's user avatar
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How to tune the performance of Nominatim Reverse Geocoding Application

Running the query directly to the PostgreSQL takes 3-8ms. The PostgreSQL can handle 500 concurrent connections. The Apache server is running on 8 core CPUs. Analyzing the Apache access logs: There are ...
Lawrence Wlt's user avatar
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PBF vector tiles reach the client through Apache HTTP Mod_rewrite, but not shown in Leaflet. How to show these PBF in Leaflet?

In short: This is about proxy-ing access to OpenMapTiles (OMT) by Apache Http. The proxy works hence the PBF tiles from OMT reach the client. However Leaflet fails to draw the PBF tiles in the map. ...
Rino's user avatar
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Cannot generate mapnik tiles on Fedora

I have gone through the following tutorial to start a map server on Fedora 28: Although the tutorial is a bit old, most of the ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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How to make MapServer WMS URL shorter?

I got an Apache and MapServer bundle (MS4W). On MapServer I made a WMS service and connect it to clients (Leaflet, QGIS etc.) with an URL like this: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/ms4w/...
Kliver Max's user avatar
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Secure OSM instance and prevent unwanted access [closed]

I just finished installing an OSM instance in a local VM. So far so good, tiles are being served just fine. This VM will be public on internet, so my clients can access the tiles from my web page. ...
Federico Alvarez's user avatar
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Using php_mapscript on WAMP? [closed]

I use WAMP in my Windows, and I want to use phpmapscript for programming. I've copied the phpmapscript.dll file to C: \ wamp64 \ bin \ php \ php5.6.25 \ ext and I added the "extension = php_mapscript....
ali's user avatar
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QGIS Web Client 2 connection time out?

I have recently installed QGIS Server and Web Client 2 in the hopes of being able to share my map, that I made in QGIS, with some clients. I've started my app with yarn and I'm now at a point where I ...
Memberm's user avatar
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405 Method not Allowed on uploading a shapefile via REST API on GeoServer

I'm using PHP cURL to upload a Shapefile to GeoServer. It works fine in a development server. But when I deploy to Stage server and I try the same I get: 405 Method Not Allowed The requested method ...
Jordi Nebot's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding a security layer to my tile server [closed]

I have a tile server (apache2 + mod_tile serving OpenStreetMap data) that I'm going to use via Leaflet. Everything's working fine but before putting this public, I have a big concern about the ...
Renato Todorov's user avatar
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How to authenticate secured layer on Geoserver from javascript (leaflet/openlayers) requests [closed]

I have a Geoserver instance on a docker container that sits on an Ubuntu host. At the moment, requests to the Geoserver container are forwarded on through the host's Apache web server. I am making ...
rumski20's user avatar
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Unable to publish a GeoTiff file in GeoServer with curl tool

I have a workspace in GeoServer with many shapefiles and postgis tables. Now I'm writing a script that will publish GeoTiff files in that workspace using curl tool. I'm trying to succeed that in two ...
Capdi's user avatar
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mapserver: accessing mapfile with localhost instead of system path

Don't know if GIS SE is the right place to ask this question. Otherwise, please feel free to suggest me where should I migrate it. I need to access my mapfile with localhost to test my service via my ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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Mapbender3 Fatal Error

I'm trying to get Mapbender3 to work with Apache2.4 and PHP5.6. I have Apache and PHP talking to each other and installed correctly. I have followed the instruction to install Mapbender3 found here: ...
user95191's user avatar
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apache httpd mod_tile error: "Failed to create shared memory segment on file"

This question may seem out of place, but it appears it's coming from mod_tile, so thought I'd give it a shot here.. (I also haven't managed to get answers elsewhere..) Started getting this error once ...
Julia Leder's user avatar
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Calling Python ogr2ogr from PHP doesn't work as expected?

I have a HTML page that takes and uploaded zip file and then calls a PHP page as a form action. That PHP then calls two Python scripts in my Apache cgi-bin. The first Python script runs with no issue ...
geo derek's user avatar
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