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Questions tagged [arcgis-python-api]

ArcGIS API for Python is a Python library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS (ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise portal).

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Overwriting feature layer using lyrx file

I am trying to come up with a method that utilizes lyrx files to routinely overwrite a feature layer on ArcGIS Portal. I've tried a few methods that utilize Python scripts, ModelBuilder and Task ...
sophia's user avatar
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Error when connect to ArcGIS Server with Python API

I am working with ArcGIS Python API and trying to connect to a local server with the code: gis = GIS(url="https://localhost:6443/arcgis", username="**", password="**", ...
kgs-tliu's user avatar
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Saving queried features as file GDB on AGOL using ArcGIS API for Python [closed]

I am trying to save the queried features as file GDB on AGOL using Python but keep getting this error: Failed to export to File Geodatabase: The Product License has not been initialized. Here is my ...
Mike TOTTI's user avatar
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clone_items() doesn't work with ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 11.1?

I just upgraded to ArcGIS Portal 11.1, and now clone_items() doesn't work. Here is an example: item_id = 'f977c5ea26de465bb21c796dc7e5d95a' item = source_gis.content.get(item_id) cloned_items = ...
Brian's user avatar
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Using Python to identify Map objects used in Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Portal or AGOL Web Applications?

I'm trying to list the feature layers shown in each map from every web application, dashboard, and storymap on my Enterprise Portal. Is there a way to retrieve all the map objects that belong to an ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to detect cloud in time series Sentinel using ArcGIS Pro and Python

This is my code: import arcpy from datetime import datetime from arcgis.gis import GIS from arcgis.raster import ImageryLayer # Connect to GIS (with authentication) gis = GIS("https://www.arcgis....
user243645's user avatar
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How to return subtype and domain description instead of the code, when using arcgis.gis Python

I am working on some Python that takes an attribute table and makes a pandas df from it. I am doing this by creating an empty list, and looping through each record of the attribute table and making a ...
Wes's user avatar
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Can't get Python to publish .csv to ArcGIS Portal

I built and published an address locator so it could be available as a geocoding service on our internal ArcGIS enterprise Portal. I now want to build a tool in Python that can be published as a ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Convert .tif to imagery layer

I'm trying to run this notebook in ArcGIS Pro:*%22) ...
Freestyle Season's user avatar
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Overwriting hosted table in ArcGIS Online with CSV file from Pandas dataframe in Python

I have a script that I'm using to sort through a very large feature layer with thousands of records and create a summary table of them by type. It also calculates the count of records of the last 5 ...
Fred Mitchell's user avatar
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Unknown error when trying to append to feature layer with ArcGIS API for Python

I am trying to perform an 'upsert' (UPDATE + INSER) operation on a feature layer via ArcGIS API for Python. My input data is a GeoJSON file that gets uploaded as per the available guides: data_item = ...
Martim Passos's user avatar
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Hosted layer in ArcGIS not getting updated

I'm encountering a peculiar issue while trying to add records to a Hosted Layer in ArcGIS using Python. I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3 with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. I am running this code from the Jupyter ...
Mir Muhammad Murtaza's user avatar
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df.spatial.to_featureclass produces an empty shapefile [closed]

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.9.8 and Python 3.7 from the ArcGIS\PRO\bin\Python\envs\arcgis-pro-py3\python.exe. I have a pandas dataframe from CSV I am trying to get to a shapefile or featureclass for a set ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for Python WebMap object move_to_basemap() method will not move the layer to the basemap

ArcGIS API for Python version I have used the move_from_basemap() to move basemap to a layer. from arcgis.gis import GIS from arcgis.mapping import WebMap ## Access AGOL agol = GIS("home&...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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Accessing the UserInvitationManager class, ArcGIS Python API

How do I use the UserInvitationManager class with the ArcGIS Python API? The documentation is scant and there are no examples. I have a workflow that will involve inviting a separate account of mine ...
TravisB's user avatar
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Setting/Un-Setting Service Lock Database Schema Property Using ArcGIS API for Python

Is there a way to set/unset a service Lock Database Schema using ArcGIS ArcGIS API for Python?
GISGUY's user avatar
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Reducing processing time reading spatial data

I have a feature class I wanted to read as a Spatially enabled dataframe: from arcgis.features import GeoAcessor df_teig = GeoAccessor.from_featureclass(feature_class_path) The dataframe has 17 ...
user234214's user avatar
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Create a new GPFeatureLayer from data frame

I am a complete newbie to ArcGIS/ArcPy. I am creating a new Python Toolbox, that reads in a GPFeatureLayer, and also should return one. I read in the values of a GPFeatureLayer row by row. Then I ...
WilliWespe's user avatar
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Handling/troubleshooting errors with helper scripts in arcgis module

I am fairly new to python and need recommendations on how to handle internal/helper function failures. I have a script that that imports a list of jurisdictions, then iterates through that list and ...
TravisB's user avatar
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How to access layer using feature service URL/path

I am trying to access a feature layer within my Portal using the layers path. I have been accessing the data within Visual Studio Code using the feature layers ID like this: feature_service_layer = ...
ZephyrZ's user avatar
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Accessing ArcGIS Portal user account using ArcGIS API for Python

Using ArcGIS API for Python on Portal, I need to see from arcgis.gis import GIS gis = GIS(url="", username="xxx", password="xxx") print(gis....
user1106951's user avatar
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GeoAccessor (SEDF) spatial join is not working in ArcGIS Python API?

I want make a spatial join with my two spatially enabled dataframes. But while doing a join between the two dataframes. I got below errors. joined_sedf = sedf_cables.spatial.join(sedf_sub_assignment[['...
Nihar Sahoo's user avatar
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"User does not have administer or publishing privileges to item" error while publishing a multipart item in ArcGIS

I am trying to publish a new item using multipart. Sometimes, our geojson files were too big, so we need to use multipart. If I add only 1 part, it works fine. If I add more than 1 part I get an error:...
Omer's user avatar
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ArcGIS Python API (

Every time I run this code with a wild card (max_users = '*') or >140 I get this error JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). But are <140 value it works fine not just all ...
Godofsix's user avatar
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Issue with attribute types when publishing GeoJSON to ArcGIS Online

I'm trying to publish a GeoJSON file containing lines and points to ArcGIS Online. The publication process is successful, resulting in a Feature Layer with two layers - point and line. Everything ...
Jiří Komínek's user avatar
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How to get description instead of coded value for a field with domain in hosted feature layer

I have a hosted feature layer with a field with a domain (coded values). How do I get the description instead of the coded value? The layer is in the TOC of an aprx, and I can retrieve the domain name ...
GISGe's user avatar
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Extract list of content in a specific Portal webmap using ArcGIS API for Python

I would like to extract the lists of content (Feature & Map Image Service) including the type of base map. Also, wanted to know if all the layers are loading correctly using ArcGIS API for Python. ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Cannot enable 'Any organization's members' setting when creating Group or updating properties using ArcGIS Python API [closed]

I am creating a group using the ArcGIS for Python API, there is limited information in the API Reference here. And I found some more information in the Rest Reference relating to the membershipAccess ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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What do parameters provider_group_name and provider achieve in GroupManager create function when using ArcGIS Python API?

The create() function in the GroupManager module has two parameters; provide_group_name and provider. See API Reference What is the purpose of these parameters? I cannot find any documentation ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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How to clone a copy using ArcGIS API for Python

What I am trying to do: Take a layer from ArcGIS Enterprise, clone it as a temporary file, overwrite a file in SQL DB, delete temporary file. What I have tried so far: def overwrite_existing_layer(...
ZephyrZ's user avatar
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ArcPy - overwrite feature service with CSV

I am trying to download a CSV from our project database, and then append this to a feature service in AGOL. import os import requests import csv import arcpy from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth ...
Ben Blowers's user avatar
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ArcGIS Python API wont run in Docker

I built a Docker container to run one of our ArcGIS Python API scripts. It ran for a couple of months successfully. Recently I added some minor enhancements and rebuilt the Docker image. Thereafter, ...
BKJ's user avatar
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Bypassing KeyError: 'type' when running a ArcGIS Online Python Notebook meant to overwrite organizational CSV

I have a scheduled organizational script that is only meant to be run during the summer and is left dormant for the winter as the data it scrapes is not maintained at that time. The reason I am ...
gecco15's user avatar
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Can you grab a JSON file off of an AGOL feature layer using Python API

I need to run a daily script that checks if data hosted on AGOL matches source data in an enterprise geodatabase. I'd like to convert the enterprise geodatabase table and a JSON file containing the ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Trying to use UpdateCursor on Branch versioned layer - RuntimeError: cannot open workspace

I have a branch versioned service layer on ArcGIS Portal. I want editors to use ArcGIS Pro to open a map in a ArcGIS Pro project and use their respective versions of this layer to create new features ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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How to publish or replace the data to the feature layer hosted?

A little background: My teammate has created a hosted feature layer. I access the data of hosted feature layer using ArcGIS API for Python and pull the data. The hosted feature layer he created doesn'...
SC_Python's user avatar
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Export out list of users and user types in Portal

I'm trying to export a list of Portal users and their user types. This is the code I'm trying to use but getting an error regarding the user.LicenseTypeId entry: import csv from arcgis.gis import GIS ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Update Modified date or Summary field of AGOL hosted feature layer using ArcGIS API for Python

I am using a Python script (see below) in ArcGIS Pro to update two existing hosted feature layers on ArcGIS Online. The script deletes all records in the existing hosted feature layers and appends the ...
lambertj's user avatar
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ArcGIS Python API append new record

I am trying to insert a python dict record to the hosted online service. I am getting the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\Program Files\...
Rpandia31's user avatar
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How can I automate a consolidated back up of all AGOL feature layers with python? [closed]

What I've Tried: I have used the script in this article before. However it does require more input than I would like, and the feature layers are downloaded as individual FGDB instead of into a single, ...
Austin Averill's user avatar
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List all maps in my Portal and list their corresponding layers

I am trying to list all of the maps inside of my Portal with the corresponding features that are inside. So far this is my code: # Import necessary modules import arcgis import openpyxl # Create an ...
DoctorBo's user avatar
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Using jupyter_client version with ArcGIS API for Python

I am using ArcGIS API for Python. When I install Jupyter_client==7.1.0, I get error of arcgis 2.0.1 requires jupyter-client<=6.1.12, but you have jupyter-client 7.1.0 which is incomatible. When I ...
Samira Goodarzi's user avatar
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How do I get the data from HostedFeatureLayer for today's date using Python from ArcGIS Online

Currently, I am pulling all the data from the featurelayerid using the below script: feature_layer_id = ' ' Inspform = gis.content.get(feature_layer_id) insp=Inspform.layers[0].query().sdf insp....
SC_Python's user avatar
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Manage and Publish ArcGIS Server v10.8 Services using API with no AGOL and no Portal

I have ArcGIS StageServer with Site1 and multiple Map\GeoCode\Routing Services. There is no WebAdapter, ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Portal installed. We need to update multiple Production ArcGIS Servers ...
alby's user avatar
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arcgis.features line features failing to buffer

I'm trying to write a script that buffers a line dataset. I'm able to successfully buffer a single polygon but, when I try and buffer my three lines, the code fails. Does anyone know what I'm doing ...
jdavid05's user avatar
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Publishing Web tool that works with data on Portal for ArcGIS and using it in Web Appbuilder

I am trying to publish a web tool from ModelBuilder in ArcGIS Pro. Inside my model there is (besides other things) a script. This script works with data on the same Portal that I want to publish the ...
Martin's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server Py3 - <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>, ImportError('No module named arcgis',), <traceback object at 0x00000000025870C8>

I have cloned the default python env that installs with ArcGIS Server using conda create in the python command window using: conda create --clone arcgispro-py3 -p"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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How to make a deep copy of a Hosted Feature Service

How can I make a deep copy of a Hosted Feature Service using ArcGIS Python for API? My hosted feature service has one layer. I'd like to copy the hosted feature service and the layer. (I want to ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Access user calling a web tool

I am currently developing a GP Tool / WebTool for ArcGIS Enterprise. Main goal of the tool is to write what3word tags to point features. Workflow is as follows: User selects a layer in the webmap Run ...
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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Use current password in arcgis.gis

I'm currently signed into my portal through ArcGIS Pro. When I want to use a python notebook to update my portal, I use: from arcgis.gis import GIS my_gis = GIS( url='https://<my Org's ...
SwiftestKoala's user avatar