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Enable Archiving and Enable Editor Tracking on Oracle SDO

Are enable archiving and enable editor tracking allowed in Oracle database system (SDO)? Since I usually use PostgreSQL, I don't know the features supported by the Oracle database.
Uğurcan GÜL's user avatar
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QGIS Vector Geometry Vanished

I've been working on a project, in QGIS 3.16 Hannover (we started the project a while ago, in the Bonn version, but upgraded during the duration of project). Upon project completion we've been asked ...
Peter's user avatar
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Batch-enable archiving on multiple datasets

The ArcGIS Desktop 10.7 Enabling Archiving page says: To enable archiving on multiple datasets at once, you can use the Enable archiving geoprocessing tool. When I open the Enable Archiving ...
User1974's user avatar
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Geodatabase archival storage

We are trying to enable Geodatabase (Oracle 18c) archiving ( Our architecture team recommends we separate ...
user3481432's user avatar
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Feature Class Update Trigger with Archiving

We are deploying Collector in our institution and for offline work on unversioned data we need to enable archiving. The feature class needs some updates when the user enters new records using the ...
krekto's user avatar
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Understanding terminologies on Esri ArcSDE [closed]

I am new to ArcSDE. Can anyone help me understand the differences between versioning, replication, synchronization, archiving, editor tracking, and schema change? Their concepts are similar to me. ...
Summer S's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there any way to recover data when a .qgz file will not open?

I saved my QGIS project as a .qgz file and then my computer crashed (however I can't confirm that the saving had completed successfully). After restarting the computer, however, the .qgz archive no ...
guestagain's user avatar
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Retire Dataset with Its Relationship Class

I need to retire datasets from our SDE databases to our Retirement Geodatabase. There are several relationship classes tied to these datasets. How can I export the feature class with its relationship ...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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Archiving layer in GeoServer?

We have some layer which is creating data every day. On every 3 months or if data is more than 100K geometry we need to archive the layer. How can we archive this in GeoServer and any best practice ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
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Is ArcGIS archiving based on ObjectID or GlobalID?

My question is about the "archive" functionality that is available for the enterprise geodatabase tables in ArcMap. Does it use the ObjectID to determine that an object is the same as an archived one?...
Legisey's user avatar
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3 answers

Seeking open vector format for long term GIS data storage in off-line repositories?

Many field sciences require data management plans for their research data that specify how the data will be submitted for archival storage. These data come from various devices and are often in ...
Nico's user avatar
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Arcpy - Create an Historical Marker on an archiving enabled dataset in Oracle SDE

I am looking for a way to create an Historical Marker programmatically with arcpy. The archiving is enabled on a dataset in Oracle SDE. I think, it's related with arcpy Version Toolset, but I can't ...
Below the Radar's user avatar
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Identify name of archive class using arcpy

I am trying to use arcpy to identify the name of the archive class for a number of feature classes, but cannot find a function that will output the name of the archive class, only whether the feature ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Archive mode in arcgis with arcobjects

One question to Archive mode in ArcGIS. I am new to ArcObjects. Is there the possibility to change an archive class table with arcobjects by listening through events. Every time when I make an edit, ...
webrider43's user avatar
-1 votes
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Code Works in Python Window but not Script

This code successfully completes inside the ArcMap Python window but fails as a script with identical code in a toolbox. The source data is a collection of feature classes directly inside an ...
Surfinsanta's user avatar
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Querying Archive Class with REST API of ArcGIS Server?

I would like to know if there is a way to access the archive class through a Map Service of ArcGIS Server. I have a Map Service with feature class stored in a SDE GeoDatabase with Archiving and ...
Below the Radar's user avatar
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Connect to certain timestamp for child version

In ArcMap you can connect either to a historical marker or to a specified timespan by changing the version within the subtab Historic. I am however not quite sure on which parent-version this new ...
MakePeaceGreatAgain's user avatar
5 votes
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How to track alignment changes?

I work for a small company that designs alignments using ArcGIS. (To give you an idea of company size, we have about 50 employees; I am the only full-time GIS person, although we have 4 ArcMap ...
Sara Barnes's user avatar
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Viewing Edit Tracking History on Feature Service hosted at ArcGIS Online?

Is there a way to view the edit history of a specific feature service or feature? I have enabled edit tracking and have been doing fieldwork for 2 weeks now. I want to see how the data has changed ...
Stella's user avatar
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Attaching old archive table (_h) back to original feature class on re-enabling geodatabase archiving?

I'm trying to figure out a way to update the schema of an archived feature class. There was a lot of discussion about this from 2012 and prior. < -- ...
Emily's user avatar
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Is it possible to replicate an SDE geodatabase including the archive tables?

I have a database in one location which I would like to replicate to another using one-way replication. In testing we haven't been able to replicate the archive tables, which is unfortunate because we ...
Radar's user avatar
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Update Existing Feature Class by Replacing Features with Updated Versions from a Shapefile

I have a feature class in a versioned ArcSDE geodatabase with archiving enabled. I receive regular updates for this data in shapefile format. I want to be able to replace any features that have ...
MMB's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Understanding Geodatabase Archiving and H tables in ArcSDE?

We have ArcSDE 10.0 on MSSQL 2008 with Geodatabase archiving enabled. In the process of updating a topology I deleted the topology, disabled archiving, unregistered as versioned and then recreated ...
Justin's user avatar
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Enabling ArcSDE Archiving with Python and C API using ArcGIS 10.0?

I have a script that does some register as versioned and updating privileges. How would I call into the c api for ArcSDE to enable archiving with python?
Justin's user avatar
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