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Aspect function creates blank file [duplicate]

I am trying to make get aspect from an elevation file but the code keeps making a blank file import arcpy, os from arcpy import env from import * env.overwriteOutput = True elevation = r&...
Aaron Gibson's user avatar
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Aspect function creating empty raster using ArcPy

I am trying to derive the aspect from an elevation file. When I run the function it creates a new file but the file is empty. my code: import arcpy, os from arcpy import env from import * env....
Aaron Gibson's user avatar
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Calculating area of pixles for certain Aspect value per specific area?

I am using ArcGIS 10.6. I have the aspect (raster file) for the roof of buildings at the city scale. Now I want to calculate the area of each aspect group per building. I tied zonal statistics, zonal ...
sawsan's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the difference between Aspect and Flow Direction tools?

There are two seemingly identical Spatial Analysis tools: (1) Surface -> Aspect: Derives aspect from a raster surface. The aspect identifies the downslope direction of the maximum rate of change ...
Sparkler's user avatar
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Understanding aspect units in QGIS

I created an aspect raster form a DEM raster in QGIS 2.14, and got this results: I know that the results refer to degree units , but still i don't understand how to read the map result- i mean to ...
newGIS's user avatar
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What is the "57.29578" that ArcGIS uses in Aspect calculation?

ArcGIS Desktop Help on How Aspect works explains the calculations used, but introduces the for me magic number of 57.29578: aspect = 57.29578 * atan2 ([dz/dy], -[dz/dx]) Where does this number come ...
martin-martin's user avatar
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How to find out the density or percentage of vegetation in each aspect

I am trying to find out what is controlling vegetation in an area of Saudi Arabia for my masters project and I am currently focusing on the aspect of slopes in the area. I have a DEM layer and I have ...
ah9's user avatar
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