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AlterField_management not changing Field Name?

I am trying to change field name of shapefile using AlterField (Management) tool for multiple feature class and multiple field name (same in all fc) import arcpy from arcpy import env env....
789789's user avatar
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Using Spatial Join in ArcGIS Desktop?

i have 2 polygons one is building footprints and another is boundary polygons. i want to calculate the count of building footprint which falling inside the boundary polygon. in order to avoid ...
Hilal Mohd's user avatar
3 votes
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Writing to a text file from arcpy.ListFields()

I'm trying to replicate output to a text file from an attribute table using the write() method to transfer the values to the .txt file. The program writes the values but groups each row of values into ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Add new field with the name based on another field [closed]

I would like to know how can I add a new field in an attribute table with a name based on the value of another field. I mean, if I had a field with values 1,2,3 and 4, I need to add four new fields ...
1 vote
2 answers

Joining attribute data from multiple polylines using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I've got two polyline shapefiles; one showing the location of cross sections taken across a river and the other containing the river centre line that has been split by the cross section layer to ...
davehughes87's user avatar
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How to reorder field in a file geodatabase without creating a new feature class? [duplicate]

I have a Script(toolbox) to reorder the fields into a file geodatabse and the output is a new feature class with fields in the order specified, is there any way to replace the existing feature by the ...
Hchliyah's user avatar
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Deleting required field from ArcGIS Diagrammer?

while creating a feature class in ArcGIS Diagrammer I set the field id_feature_class as required and as type= text now I want to change text to integer but I can't it's telling me id_feature_class is ...
Hchliyah's user avatar
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Automatic marking or tracking of edited features

I'm working with ArcMap 10.2. What is a good way to mark or find edited features in order to keep track of them without manual field updating? Is there a way to have ArcMap automatically update a ...
Michele Cordini's user avatar
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Joined attributes not available in Feature Service

I have a joined feature class (PROPERTY) and table (OG_LEASE). When I publish this as part of a map service and feature service, attributes are only available in the map service. Map service fields: ...
Erica's user avatar
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3 answers

How to assign diameter size to valve feature class based on waterline size?

I have two shapefiles, valves (points) and waterlines (polyline). The waterlines have a diameter attribute that is populated with the correct size. The valves have an attribute for diameter size as ...
MMarcus's user avatar
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Rename field in SHP file (DBF) with ArcCatalog [duplicate]

I want to rename some fileds on a SHP file, (the fields on the DBF file), using ArcCatalog (ArcGIS Desktop v10.2.2). From ArcCatalog, right click on a SHP file -> Properties... -> Fields. Then the ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Adding Rasters with multiple Field Values using Map Algebra in ArcGIS for Desktop? [duplicate]

Embarrassed that I haven't looked at this for some time (can't quite get the syntax down). (ArcGIS 10.2, Win7x64). Within Map Algebra (Raster Calculator) Trying to add the cell values of 3 rasters, ...
Ecomapman's user avatar
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Transfering raster attributes to a shapefile

I am using Arc GIS 10.2. I have a raster layer and a shapefile layer. I would like to transfer the attributes of the raster layer to the shapefile layer using a majority rule. The raster layer is a ...
pcnuss's user avatar
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Creating layer where more attributes are presented

I would like to create a layer in ArcGIS containing polylines, that are rendered by combination of more than one attribute. I can create layer where the polylines are of different thickness or ...
procma's user avatar
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Editing attribute columns to switch properties from text to integer? [duplicate]

Instead of adding an entire new column in my attributes table, is there a way I can edit the properties of an existing (unnecessary) column and change the type from integer to text?
Struggling's user avatar
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Check fields data type before insertion to table

I am trying to insert a python list of tuples to arcgis table. there is type mismatch which is obvious. Each Value in tuples have different type and fields in table have different data types. So, how ...
Jio's user avatar
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Limiting digits in ArcMap?

I am using ArcMap 10.2. I want to create a land information system, one of the features attribute data includes a citizen id field, it includes 11 digits, for preventing wrong value entering, i want ...
user34941's user avatar
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Compare Multiple attributes visually

I am working on a project in which I want to take point features( tweets) and compare them to the GDP per capita of countries. I would like to have my end result be such as the following: GDP Class 1 ...
Martin's user avatar
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Leaving out specific values from labels

I am trying to label a field using two fields. Example: "[FieldOne] / [FieldTwo]". But I don't want to show FieldOne if the value is zero. Example: 0 / 1050 should read just 1050 whereas 1/1050 should ...
GIS_Girl's user avatar
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Why is ArcGis change precision of double field after copy?

I create the attribute table of a shapefile and while I copy it by using the "copy features" tool it change the precision from 11 to 14. I create two fields with the name poly_x and poly_y and they ...
Dimitris Kasabalis's user avatar
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Finding diameter of pipes on either side of valves using ArcGIS Desktop?

I'm using ArcGIS desktop 10.2 and I need to find the diameter of pipes which are either side of a particular valve. There are over 2000 of these valves on my map so I'll need some sort of tool. The ...
Sheftee's user avatar
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Is it possible to alter field display precision whilst using a coded domain in ArcGIS 10.2?

Firstly a bit of background: I'm currently using fields of type double to hold the results of our chemical analysis. Different samples were analysed for different analytes and several values were ...
MBT86's user avatar
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Copy attribute data from one polygon shapefile to a multiple point shapefile

I have two shapefiles: Polygons of parks in Africa. Each park (polygon) has a row of data regarding it's size, name, date of establishment etc. Random points in parks in Africa. Here, I generated ...
Jen7's user avatar
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How would one format an Excel sheet so numeric fields are set to numeric field types when importing to ArcGIS 10.2?

I have a large Excel spreadsheet that contains lots of numeric data that I would like to import to ArcGIS 10.2 as a table using the Excel To Table (Conversion) tool. The frustrating thing is that ...
Howeitzer's user avatar
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Feature Class to Feature Class Keeps Layer Name In Fields 10.2?

I have a model that makes a join, adds two fields, and calculates the fields, then uses Feature Class to Feature Class to create a new output. The new output is named "Permit." Once the output is ...
a1234's user avatar
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Feature to Raster Error [closed]

I am attempting to rasterize a point layer using the Feature to Raster conversion tool. Each attempt, I receive the following error codes: ERROR 010429: Error in GRID IO: CellLyrCreateInternal: Grid: ...
bubbalouie's user avatar
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arcmap editor attribute window fill value programmatically

In my map I have a layer named PARCEL, when create new feature on this layer, the attribute window will open automatically. There are 2 attributes in this layer: PARCEL_ID and SUB_ID. Since the ...
ppLily's user avatar
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Script giving error accessing field name?

In the code below, the line 'alias = dict[]' always throws an exception. I don't see why; printing out works just fine. Also, the exception message is the field name printing ...
recurvata's user avatar
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Using US Census block group data field names for feature classes?

I may be missing something here, but it seems like getting usable US Census data into a shapefile or feature class is much harder than it used to be. Downloading the Tiger block group shapefiles is no ...
recurvata's user avatar
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Writing Python script for Altering Multiple Fields [closed]

I'm a novice programmer and I would like to ask for something which will facilitate my work. I need to rename all the field names in some shapefiles I am working on and since renaming is an arduous ...
Leo Ortega's user avatar
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RasterToPolygon tool is looking inside the output location and not reading the fields

I am trying to convert IMG classified rasters to polygons. I created a code using the Raster to Polygon tool and it worked for 8 of the 50 files; for the rest, I get errors 010157 (Unable to open ...
Tiffany's user avatar
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Assignment of defaults to field not working

I am using ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop. I have assigned default values to some fields in a feature class, which is sitting in a file geodatabase. I used the "Assign Default To Field Tool", which ...
James Preston's user avatar
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4 answers

How to flip, or invert attribute tables with respect to row ID arcgis

I need to invert the fields of an attribute table relative to the row ID field. As a very simple example of what I need; if the row IDs of 1, 2, and 3 corresponded to identical values in another field,...
jc22's user avatar
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How to calculate cumulative decreasing sum in ArcGIS-10.2

I need to calculate the cumulative decreasing sum as a field in a rasters attribute table. The cumulative decreasing sum is the accumulation of the last values to the first, so it is basically the ...
jc22's user avatar
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Calculating new field to represent sum of values in existing field in ArcMap?

I need a way of calculating the total sum of the values in an existing field and displaying this value in the corresponding cells of another field. In other words, I want this second field to display ...
jc22's user avatar
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Using Alter Field tool of ArcGIS Desktop on shapefile?

According the ArcGIS 10.2.2 help this should work: inZoneData = sys.argv[1] # This is a shapefile fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(inZoneData) for field in fieldList: if ==...
KennyC's user avatar
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Get the different values assigned to a zip code

I have a map to which I added a zip code layer and another layer which contains values assigned to every square kilometer within each zip code. I'm trying to find out how many different values there ...
V_N's user avatar
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Creating numpy.array with variable number of fields to test arcpy.da.ExtendTable performance?

There was anArcPy Café blog posting entitled Adding Fields: Performance Tips which advocated: Two approaches to help increase performance when adding numerous fields to a table or feature class. ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Arc is changing decimals!! My scale is set to 2, why do my numbers in the select by attributes-unique values have more decimals?

My scale is set to 2. Yet arc (using 10.2) is showing (in my select by attribute - get unique values) my number of 26.67 as 26.670000000000002. My value of 25.25 is shown correctly as 25.25 in the ...
user30746's user avatar
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Characters displaying correctly in File Geodatabase with ArcMap 10.1 but incorrectly with 10.2?

I work with data from a variety of European countries, and am having trouble getting the non-standard characters (e.g. Turkish alphabet) to display correctly in my geodatabase tables. Sure, i ...
sara's user avatar
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Excluding field on table from being copied by ArcPy?

I have a query "layer": >>> r = arcpy.MakeQueryLayer_management(r'C:\path\to\connection\file\connection.sde', 'TEST', 'SELECT T.ID AS OBJECTID, T.* FROM MY_TABLE T WHERE T.SOME_COLUMN = 1', ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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Changing Field Name in ArcGIS Desktop

How can I change the field names (not the alias) in ArcGIS 10.2? I already found this page on ArcGIS support: "Renaming shapefile fields (Defense Mapping)" but there is is not "Defense ...
user1106951's user avatar
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Getting field type information from FieldInfo object in ArcPy? [closed]

I'm looking at the FieldInfo object documentation for ArcGIS 10.2 and am not seeing access for field type (e.g. short, string, double). Is it possible to get field type information from the ...
bcollins's user avatar
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