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GDAL predicator and Tile Offsets

I would like to "shift" the origin of a BigTIFF file. But is is not so easy. So instead, I try to use gdal_translate to create a new file. But when I compare the original file and the ...
Sébastien Bonaimé's user avatar
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Mean of N nearest neighbors for each pixel in a LARGE raster

I a have a large raster (.vrt)... Size is 70780, 102676 Coordinate System is: PROJCRS["UTM Zone 32, Northern Hemisphere", BASEGEOGCRS["GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)", ... with about ...
Nicso's user avatar
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Why is my tif file a BigTIFF file but the size is less than 4 Gb?

I have a TIFF file of first day beyond 10 degrees at 2 m height covering the northern part of North America. The size of the file is 1.24 Gb, but when I load it into Python (3.7) I get the classic ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Error occurred while writing dirty block from GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO

I get the following error when trying to run rio-terrain on a GeoTIFF file : $ rio aspect input.TIF output.TIF Running aspect on sequential raster blocks Blocks done: [################################...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
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Split a GeoTIFF (BigTIFF) file into subsets with a specific overlap in Python

I have a BigTIFF file that I need to split into tiles with a set tile size and overlap. I have a script for this using PIL: tile_height = tile_width = 1000 overlap = 80 stride = tile_height - ...
mch87's user avatar
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gdaladdo still very slow on large TIFF

I'm trying to build internal overviews on a big GeoTIFF using gdaladdo and it is way too slow. From what I could find out it is a known problem (#1442) that has been solved in May last year However ...
Francois's user avatar
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"RasterioIOError: This is a BigTIFF file. BigTIFF is not supported by this version of GDAL and libtiff" error message

I am trying to read a raster ".tif" file with rasterio: import rasterio raster_path = r'.........\file.tif' raster = but I am getting the following error message: "...
Pitrako Junior's user avatar
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Opening a BigTIFF file in Python

I am trying to open and extract data from a 90MB TIFF file using Python. The code I'm using is the following: from osgeo import gdal, osr, ogr def get_value_at_point(rasterfile, pos): gdal....
rocker996's user avatar
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Compression not applying when updating/exiting GeoTiff file in GDAL?

I have a GeoTiff file with dimensions 300 x 300 and 8760 bands (hourly for one full year). I am testing some code that opens the file, updates ONE band and exits - but I am finding that the file size ...
tda's user avatar
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Error while creating large TIFF with gdal_merge

I need to merge two TIFFs into one, but the output is larger than 4 GB. So, it needs to be a BigTIFF. But the "BIGTIFF=YES" creation option seems to be ignored. Here's the error: $ -...
mckbrd's user avatar
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Seeking workflow to build cloud optimized tif?

By its definition, a cloud optimized GeoTIFF is a regular GeoTIFF file, aimed at being hosted on a HTTP file server, whose internal organization is friendly for consumption by clients issuing. Based ...
radouxju's user avatar
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Cannot install a version of GDAL via Anaconda that permits reading BigTIFFs

I have some BigTiff files that I need to read into Python using gdal to do some analyses. According to GDAL's documentation: When built with internal libtiff or with libtiff >= 4.0, GDAL also ...
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