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Questions tagged [bigtiff]

An evolution of the TIFF format that uses 64bit offsets and supports file sizes larger than 4 GB

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Big .las to raster converting by writers.gdal

I have a script: pipeline = [ path, { "filename": out_path, "gdaldriver": "GTiff", "resolution": 1, "output_type": "max", ...
Марина Лисниченко's user avatar
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Error while creating large TIFF with gdal_merge

I need to merge two TIFFs into one, but the output is larger than 4 GB. So, it needs to be a BigTIFF. But the "BIGTIFF=YES" creation option seems to be ignored. Here's the error: $ -...
mckbrd's user avatar
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ArcGIS and BigTIFF's

At some point ArcMap creates a BigTIFF rather than a normal TIFF. BigTiFFs don't work in many programs - in my case AutoCAD. What is the filesize where ArcMap creates a BigTIFF rather than normal ...
David Sumner's user avatar
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Working with very large GeoTIFFs using QGIS

I would like to ask for advice on working with very large GeoTIFFs. I have downloaded several large GeoTIFFs, then I load them into QGIS and combine them into a virtual raster. Since I need the ...
Martin Flek's user avatar
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Mean of N nearest neighbors for each pixel in a LARGE raster

I a have a large raster (.vrt)... Size is 70780, 102676 Coordinate System is: PROJCRS["UTM Zone 32, Northern Hemisphere", BASEGEOGCRS["GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)", ... with about ...
Nicso's user avatar
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Convert .bmp file into.tiff format

Can I convert one big .bmp file (size is 19GB (high resolution city map)) into one or several .tiff format files without dividing this .bmp file into smaller tiles?
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Cannot write GeoTIFF larger than 4GB with gdalwarp despite using BIGTIFF createopt

I am running a Bash script to create a series of NetCDF grid files from MB-System that contain gridded swath multibeam bathymetry data. Each grid is unprojected Geographic Lat-Long, about 15-20MB in ...
Theophan's user avatar
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Detection of tomato areas from UAV images using ML

I have many UAV .tif images which they contain tomato plant in a farm, and between them there is separation with soil. So by searching on google I have found this paper
Steven's user avatar
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Quality of my TIFF file goes down dramatically

Every time I upload a TIFF to ArcMap, after I build pyramids (using a nearest neighbor algorithm) the quality of the TIFF file after it is added to ArcMap goes down dramatically. Why?
Programmer888's user avatar
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Use BIGTIFF=YES creation option. NOT WORKING

I am busy trying to merge 62 DEMs (totaling in 5.6 GB and in GeoTIFF format) in QGIS 3.18 to create a single DEM of southern Africa. The problem was that the tiff I was trying to generate was larger ...
Ruan Booysen's user avatar
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Compression not applying when updating/exiting GeoTiff file in GDAL?

I have a GeoTiff file with dimensions 300 x 300 and 8760 bands (hourly for one full year). I am testing some code that opens the file, updates ONE band and exits - but I am finding that the file size ...
tda's user avatar
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Might my file be too big to be written with 'writeRaster' in R?

I am trying to write a GeoTiff of a rasterstack that I created after some calculations. I am not quite sure how big the output-file might be. But I assume it has more than 4 GB. I can plot the stacked ...
Li12's user avatar
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Why does myRaster[1] <- 5 takes a very long time for a large raster?

I have a raster, which is not very big, only a few hundred megabytes compressed, but it has about 10 billion values, each stored in 1 byte (0..255). Uncompressed it would take about 10gb (lots of ...
Andrei's user avatar
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