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Questions tagged [block]

a block is a named set of objects in an AutoCAD file that can be used to style objects.

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Segmentation problem

I have a segmentation problem with OTB implemented in QGIS 3.36. Indeed, I corrected the Landsat 8 image on ArcGIS and used pansharpening to improve the resolution. Then, I created a composite image ...
badig's user avatar
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2000 Block Boundaries for an entire state

I am looking for 2000 census block boundary polygons for an entire state. Does anyone know where this might be available? I have looked at the TIGER/Line website from the US Census Bureau, but have ...
Ben Maxson's user avatar
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ArcPy block statistics need to output different resolution

I am attempting to script a BlockStatistics where the outRaster has a resolution different from the input raster. Input raster cells are approx 5.8 cm, and I want to resample taking the mean of a ...
RandomForester's user avatar
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Import DXF block values to QGIS

I want to import simple blocks (rectangles with a "Value", that is a text string) from a DXF to QGIS. I want to keep that value so it shows up as an attribute in the corresponding layer in QGIS. I ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Exporting from QGIS to .dxf as blocks?

I'm exporting from QGIS 3.4 to ACAD .dxf format. Since I made this in QGIS 2.18 all features exported were blocks in Autocad, but now I find out that every single geometry is exported exploded in the ....
Andrea Z.'s user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Creating population dot density map at the block group level in QGIS

I'm new to QGIS, always used ArcMap, and I'm struggling to find out how to best display population density at the block group level for a county (the most granular level of detail for census geography)...
Ashley's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find ZCTA for the 2010 Census block code?

I'm trying to find ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for the list of 2010 Census block codes. How to get ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for Census block code?
Andrey's user avatar
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Convert Longitude/Latitude to census block [closed]

I would like to convert Longitude/Latitude to census block for the nation. Is there an easy way to do it? If there is public data available, do I have to do it for each state, or I could do for the ...
Lan's user avatar
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Calculating Pop density per sq mi within 1/4 buffer (transit route)?

I have census block data that I have clipped using my 1/4 mile buffer. For each of my census polygons it has kept the original population, is there a way to get the population recalculated just ...
user84006's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

FME DWGStyler "specified block '...' is not defined in AutoCAD file"

In a DWGStylertransformer I connect DWG/DXF Template File to a Published Parameter $(TEMPLATE_FILE): The Template file exists and contains a block named kreuzchen which I am able to choose in the ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar