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GeoExplorer cannot upload shapefiles into PostGIS [closed]

I have installed OpenGeo 4.1 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 following the official instructions. I then followed the tutorial Load your data with GeoExplorer. I was able to zip and upload a few shapefiles. ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Why can't I publish my layers using OpenGEO explorer plugin?

Like in the image, the publish & other commands are not enabled.
GSM's user avatar
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Deploying OpenGeo Suite App on Apache Tomcat? [closed]

I am a beginner trying to develop a web app using Opengeo Suite. I've manage to test it localy on my personnal computer and I would like to deploy it to the web. It seems like Tomcat Apache is what I ...
juliesurp's user avatar
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How to migrate data directory of opengeo geoserver?

How to migrate data directory of geoserver in opengeosuite 3.1 to stand alone geoserver version 2.5.1. Is it to copy data directory and restart the server only or any thing else..
CHANDU's user avatar
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How to install wps geoserver extension to Centos6.5

I installed OpenGeo Suit on CentOS 6.5 and the version of geoserver is 2.5-SNAPSHOT. I made a yum update and the version of OpenGeo Suit is 4.1, geoserver version remain 2.5-SNAPSHOT. I would ...
Παύλος Αποστόλου's user avatar
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Add events to Geoexplorer

I need add new Controls to GeoExplorer. I seen geoexplorer.js inside OpenGeo Suite and I will want to view the coordinates of points. But If I add map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition())...
Pavel Angel Mendoza Villafane's user avatar
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OpenGeo Explorer error publishing layers to geoserver

I want to use Opengeo Explorer to publish layers to geoserver but i am getting an error report. I create workspaces with no problems and i publish styles with no problems. Can you pls help? Error ...
Παύλος Αποστόλου's user avatar
3 votes
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Backing up database in PostgreSQL?

I need to create a backup from my database (in PostgreSQL 9.3). I have used the pg_dump tool, gives me an error. I have also used pgAdmin III for backing up which also gives me the following error: ...
Catlover's user avatar
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How to get public access to edit a layer in geoserver [closed]

I want to develop a GIS system with OpenLayers and GeoServer which is installed with OpenGeo Suite 4.1 and I need to edit a layer with no GeoServer authentication. This means that guest members should ...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
4 votes
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Customizing 'Feature Edit Popup' in Community OpenGeo's GeoExplorer? [closed]

I am running with Boundless Opengeo Suite on Linux based server to create a WebGIS application in forestry management. Everything is working fine (at least to this step that I am being stuck here). ...
ThanhGIS's user avatar
3 votes
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OpenGeo postgres installation not working from command line but works from PGadminIII on fresh install

Problem: I just did a default install of opengeo suite (4.1) on Ubuntu 12.04 and followed instructions exactly. The problem is that I can connect just fine to my postgresql through pgadminIII (1.18....
Nick's user avatar
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Opengeosuite blank and postgresql errors

I had the unfortunate idea to upgrade opengeosuite from 4.0 to 4.1. I followed the docs found on opengeosuite site but something has gone wrong. I uninstalled opengeosuite and all connected packages ...
user32823's user avatar
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How do I export only additions when running export-diff to a shapefile in geogit (geogig)?

I currently have two commits in my GeoGit (GeoGig) repository. I'm running the following command on the two commits to get the differences exported to a shapefile. geogit shp export-diff [commit1] [...
js1983's user avatar
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Error: Could not create and deploy an application with boundless sdk opengeo suite

I work on a web application with Boundless SDK opengeo 4.1, I used the tutorial and followed the exchange and advice on this forum but I have some problems about adding plugins and deploying the apps....
Rasou Bik's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using OpenGeo Suite SDK to add Pan button? [closed]

I´m building an app using OpenGeo Suite SDK and I need to add a Pan tool. By default the pan option is activated but, if I enable another tool like a ZoomBoxAction, then I need to have a button to be ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Opengeo and Ubuntu memory issue

I was working with LiDAR in Opengeo suite while following the Boundless tutorials ( In my recent post titled 'LiDAR and Opengeo', I mentioned about ...
Zaman's user avatar
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gxp_wmsgetfeatureinfo GetFeatureInfo on a non-advertised layer possible?

So, as the title states, I will like to know if it is possible to use gxp_wmscsource to send an GetFeatureInfo query to a non-advertised layer that was added to my opengeo SDK app using lazy loading. ...
gallysam's user avatar
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GXP Hidden layer switcher - composer.html

I am working with GeoServer, GeoExplorer, GXP. I am creating a WPS client and need to generate a vector layer that serves to make operations on vector data, such as buffer, split polygon. I know how ...
user29518's user avatar
4 votes
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Lidar and Opengeo suite

Opengeo suite has provided a tutorial on how to manage LiDAR data using postgresql. I was trying to follow the tutorial in this link. I am new to Linux and using Ubuntu 12.04. I have successfully ...
Zaman's user avatar
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who to contact about issues with geoserver plugin for qgis

I have a project in QGIS that I am trying to publish using GeoServer via the plugin. When I try and publish a layer I get: global name 'provider' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Russell Fulton's user avatar
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How to autocollapse featuregrid table (OpenGeo Suite SDK Client)

I was working on the OpenGeo Suite tutorials to develop web applications using Geoexplorer. When I launched Geoexplorer from dashboard, I could see readily available 'query' tool embeded there along ...
Zaman's user avatar
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Use of Postgis raster datasets for visualization and generation of GeoJSON

I am currently using Boundless/OpenGeo 4.02 with PostGIS 2.1. I would like a little advice on the development of specific functionalities. I am currently attempting to begin with a number of GeoTiffs, ...
user33109's user avatar
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Loading not advertised layers into opengeo SDK app

I`ve made several apps using OpenGeo suite SDK but so far never needed to keep layers from being exposed in the capabilities. Now I´ll like to "hide" some of them but still being able to load them. I ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Disabling OpenGeo's Dashboard

I have small problem with upgrading OpenGeo Suite from 4.0.2 to 4.1 Everything went smooth after updating. Exept dashboard. I had OpenGeo's Geoserver installed on port 8180. And previous dashboard was ...
Roman's user avatar
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Using more than one group for single layer in GeoServer?

I have a huge number of layers in my geoserver that I have painstakingly imported and they all work correctly when viewed with GeoExplorer etc. I want to know if there is any way to create set maps ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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unable to create or edit any layer on geoserver

I've been using Geoserver for some time now with no problems until recently. After adding some layers and working on my layouts now I am unable to add or modify layers. I can add stores and ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Why can I not publish from -QGIS Geoserver plugin?

I am following the tutorial at and I get to the step "To publish the project as it is, just select the QGIS project entry in the OpenGeo ...
Russell Fulton's user avatar
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Change layer styles based on ComboBox search?

I'm using a combination of OpenGeo Server components and hand written GeoExt code to create a map interface. I would like to have a ComboBox that queries the OpenGeo PostGIS database in order to ...
user32523's user avatar
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Boundless Opengeo Suite: Geoserver fails to launch due to Java heap size

When I go to start Boundless OpenGeo Suite 3.1 from the OpenGeo Suite Dashboard, Geoserver will launch if I point it to the default geoserver data_dir, but when I point it to mine, which I have used ...
MakinFlippyFloppy's user avatar
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Apend child to a layertree with nodeType: "gx_layer"

Im building an application with geoext and opengeo suite SDK. I´m trying to create a layer tree with some "grouped" layers like the last node here I saw somewhere that I should set the node Type to "...
gallysam's user avatar
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Print button disabled in OpenGeo Suite?

Print button is disabled in Free version of OpenGeo Suite 4.02. In versions 3.x OGS, Community Edition, Print button was always enabled. Does anyone know why? I've almost decided to go back to ...
dperko's user avatar
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Making layertree with multiple nested nodes? [closed]

On Adding subnodes to layermanager? I asked how to get two levels on a layermanager. The response provided there was what I was needing at that moment. Now, I´ll like to create a little more complex ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Adding subnodes to layermanager?

I’m creating an application using OpenGeo Suite SDK and I need to create a two level layer manager. I can create the first layer tree with the "gxp_layermanager" using the following code in the suite-...
gallysam's user avatar
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Dissable layers in layermanager

I´m making an app using opengeo suite SDK and I added a LayerManager to show the layer list and the corresponding leyends. Layers load fine but now I want some of them off by default, added the "...
gallysam's user avatar
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Customizing GeoExplorer? [closed]

I'm just beginning to play with BoundlessGeo's GeoExplorer interface. I'm trying to figure out if I can customize it for use in-house. We basically need an intra-net type web mapping app to display ...
monkey5672's user avatar
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changing layout of a gxp.plugins.WMSGetFeatureInfo response

Have a little problem with an app I’m building. I´m using the openGeo suite SDK to create an app. I added a WMSGetFeatureInfo tool following the Boundless tutorial and to that point it was all ok. ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Dynamically add style to layer with user inputs

I am trying to create an SLD dynamically using parameters accepted from user. So how could I accomplish the task of adding the dynamically created SLD to my map layer? Please tell me how to add style ...
Teetu's user avatar
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Geoexplorer (Opengeo Suite) cannot upload data

i am following the tutorial how to create a simple map. However, I got stuck in the step to upload the data. It gives me an error and I dont know why (see photo). I zipped the shapefile with all the ...
Mona's user avatar
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OpenGeo SDK: Add New Server trouble with proxy/?url=

I'm currently developing an application with the OpenGeo SDK. I wish to have the "Add New Server" functionality and I've followed the example from the documentation:
Gregory Giuliani's user avatar
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How to FeatureEditorGrid configure and use in FeatureEditor

I am new user of OpenGeo suite. I want to configure FeatureEditorGrid plugin to change the column header to display name. My basic requirement is to customize column label like my table column is "pop"...
Amit's user avatar
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Installing Cartaro using Acquia Dev Desktop and link it with GeoServer and PostGIS

How do I configure GeoServer and PostGIS so that I don't get the following error when installing Cartaro using the Acquia Dev Desktop. I am just installing Cartaro locally for testing, or else how can ...
josemaina's user avatar
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I've installed OpenGeo Suite, how do I use it with Leaflet?

I've just finished installing OpenGeo Suite on my VM Ubuntu web server. I'd like to be able to use Leaflet from to view my maps with on my mobile devices. I'm supposed to create an ...
kjac1985's user avatar
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The requested URL /geoserver was not found on this server

I am a beginner with GeoServer. I have started reading the Boundless tutorial: introduction to GeoServer. In the very first step, for installing the OpenGeo Suite and running the welcome page of ...
Catlover's user avatar
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Loading Shapefiles into PostGIS using shapefile import/export manager

I am a complete beginner with PostGIS. I've started learning it using the tutorials provided by Boundless. In section 4 of this tutorial where I want to import shapefile in PostGIS, I do not have the ...
Catlover's user avatar
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How do I install the OpenGeo Suite on a web server?

I've been doing some research over the past few days to learn just how I can bring my parcel, right of way, easement etc... GIS data out to the field with me on my Android mobile devices with real-...
kjac1985's user avatar
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GeoServer REST - Applying Style to Multiple layers

I have a bunch of rasters in GeoServer that need to have the same style applied to them as their default style. Is there any way to do this?
user2677377's user avatar
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Upload / Import to GeoServer

Can I upload a shapefile to the GeoServer Import Data page, or does it only import data locally on the server? When I click Browse to select the data to import, it seems to only browse the server ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Installing Opengeo Suite on Ubuntu 13.04 - " trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/shp2pgsql-gui' "?

I am trying to upgrade Opengeo Suite from 2.0 to 4.0, specifically for the upgrade of PostGis 2.0 to 2.1, I followed the instructions outlined on this page:
user25825's user avatar
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Get mouse position in OpenGeo

I'm using GeoExt as part of OpenGeo Suite using code generated by the Open Geo suite SDK. I would like to display the current mouse coordinate and don’t really know how to do it. As far as I know ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Where to upload layers in geoexplorer?

I just install opengeo suite (boundless) in my machine and try to explore it. I followed the instruction in user manual and I encountered a problem. In "Load your data with GeoExplorer" part, after ...
user25385's user avatar