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Help me with this code from GeoExt and OpenLayers

I haven't gone entirely through GeoExt. But I am trying to understand the below code, but I am struck. The below code is about creating popups of feature information. But the layers added are WMS ...
GP92's user avatar
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OpenLayers/Geoserver cross domain problem [duplicate]

I'm using OpenLayers and OpenGeo Suite with WMS requests.The tiles load fine, but when I try to load a getFeatureInfo I get a cross domain error. I read about including crossdomain.xml in the ...
bl8rchk's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite PostGIS Data Location

I have OpenGeo Suite installed on a server. I want to have the PostGIS data stored on a different drive (D) on the server instead of on the C drive under my username. How do I do this?
bl8rchk's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS Layer not working in OpenLayers

Here is my code: var map; function init() { var options = { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-135.326858520508,-30.5615100860596,179.357788085938,69.604377746582), units: 'm', projection: "...
GP92's user avatar
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How to put data in remote geoserver?

I created some layers and upload it to PostGIS and then GeoServer and then styled it using GeoExplorer. I have done all this in localhost. I used the iframe generated in GeoExplorer and used it in my ...
GP92's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to include streaming media into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals?

I am wondering how to include streaming media (video), or camera feeds, into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals. I am currently doing so with different applications, but I want to do ...
Fer's user avatar
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PostGIS - Why are my ST_Union results (stored in a new table) outputting as points and not polygons?

I've decided to move to PostGIS to merge polygons rather than spend hours doing in in QGIS. However, I'm hitting an issue where the results of an ST_Union query are being stored, or at least outputted ...
Robin Hawkes's user avatar
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No Postgis after installing opengeo suite

After the installation of the opengeo suite; everything seems to work fine, except for the postgis extension of postgresql. In the dashboard all the postgis options are greyed out. The system is ...
stUrb's user avatar
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Set Up Geoserver with .sid Files

I was given a folder of .sid, .sdw, and .sid.aux.xml files to use as tiles on our map. I'm pretty sure I can use ImageMosaic for this and have followed the doc at
Bl8rchk's user avatar
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Add SLDs to GeoServer using REST API Fails [closed]

I have been writing some python code to automatically add data layers from PostGIS to GeoServer and attach a suitable SLD as default. I got this working using the following code: store=("<...
tjmgis's user avatar
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Create subsetted multiband image from multiple files using gdal or python?

Given a time series of an area (single band), how you subset them and combine the subsets into a single multiband file (eg. vrt) using gdal or gdals' bindings for python?
nickves's user avatar
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Why does GeoServer copy my PostGIS tables?

I have some geospatial data in a PostGIS database. I want to serve that data to a web map app with GeoServer. But every time I add a table as a layer in GeoServer, it creates a duplicate table in ...
Xavier Holt's user avatar
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Problems with gxp Print plugin via opengeosuite sdk

I am trying to import the print plugin within an application built using the Opengeo Suite sdk and I have run into issues as is described in the following thread
k9ty's user avatar
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Intersecting 3 tables with Spatial SQL

I have three tables I need to intersect but not sure how to get the third Heres what I have so far: SELECT, SUM(nyc_census_blocks.popn_total) AS POP FROM nyc_neighborhoods JOIN ...
Adam's user avatar
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Unable to locate PostGIS in OpenGeo Suite using command line

I am working on this new ubuntu 12.04 server and I need to work on the Postgres database which is PostGIS enabled. The problem is I am not sure how to locate the database using command line. The ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Error Installing libgdal1 Package

I'm trying to install the libgdal1 package on Ubuntu 12.04, but the apt is returing this error: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgdal1_1.9.1-2~precise4_amd64.deb (--unpack): ...
user714157's user avatar
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How to build and deploy GeoExplorer on jboss 5.1.x?

I am trying to deploy opengeo GeoExplorer on jboss 5.1.x by using this command: ant deploy -Dcargo.port=8080 -Dcargo.container=jboss51x -Dcargo.username=abc -Dcargo.password=...
ganesh's user avatar
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OpenGeo Client SDK set up for Windows 7 - what is ant path?

I am relatively new at this and so these questions may seem a little basic to most. I have installed the OpenGeo Suite which includes the Client SDK on Windows 7. I have also installed JDK6. But I ...
Saxon's user avatar
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adding feature grid using ClientSDK

I am adding a Feature Grid in the Map page using this tutorial and I am not sure where exactly I have to add, autoLoadFeatures: true The tutorial says that I need to edit the feature manager section ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Add grid to GetFeatureInfo tool

I have added the GetFeatureInfo Tool to my Viewer but the PopUp does not have a grid in it to display the Feature Info neatly. How do I get the grid layout in the Feature Info PopUp, like the one ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Setting up pre-requisites for creating viewer using suite-sdk

I am creating a Viewer using the suite-sdk from the following tutorial, which says The Client SDK should be installed onto a machine where the development will occur. This is typically bundled with ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Converting ArcGIS style (symbology) to font for MapInfo/OpenGeo?

This is related to Retain ESRI symbology in Mapinfo TAB As a workaround I am wondering if I can save all my ESRI symbology from the lyr files created using the script below to an ESRI style sheet and ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Installation issue with OpenGeo-Suite

OK so last time had a big issue with running WFS. Seems the issue was neither with my OpenLayers code nor GeoServer. The issue was with the servers not able to communicate with each other. The tomcat ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Uninstall opengeo suite in Ubuntu

How can I properly uninstall the complete opengeo suite in my Ubuntu 12.04? I had installed opengeo suite but it seems there was some error in the PostGIS extension to the Postgres of the OpenGeo ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Which web application framework is easiest for building website displaying lot of geospatial data?

I am building a simple website that displays a lot of geospatial data (which is routed through Geoserver). I was trying to use Drupal-6 to build the website component (non geospatial descriptions) but ...
GeoH2O's user avatar
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Interactive geographic region definitions [closed]

Background An organization has regions within a province, but has no list of coordinates that define region boundaries. I would like to draw custom polygon areas on a map using a web-based and user-...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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Displaying "numberoffeatures" in grid

How to display numberoffeatures in map using geoext on grid? Ext.onReady(function() { app = new Ext.Viewport({ layout: "border", items: items ...
kinkajou's user avatar
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Cannot Edit Features of PostGIS Layers in OpenGeo GeoExplorer

I admit I originally posted the question here: But due to no response and not finding a solution, I thought I'd try ...
elshae's user avatar
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How to build GeoExplorer on Windows

I am trying to utilize GeoExplorer (made by OpenGeo) to browse data provided by GeoServer. So far, I have downloaded source code from Some instructions I found ...
Matej's user avatar
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Looking for PDF map downloading capability in OpenGeo GXP

I am looking for a plugin to OpenGeo GXP in order to download maps in PDF format. Could you help me?
Felipe Souza's user avatar
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About event to Latitude and Longitude in C#

I am beginning to study Ready GXP and I would like to know which event receives Latitude and Longitude and passes them to the browser for execution in C#.
Felipe Souza's user avatar
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GeoServer replies HTTP Error 503

I've seen this question was asked before but I couldn't find any solution to the problem. Since today, my GeoServer does not reply on any requests anymore, I can't even access the GeoServer UI. I ...
philippe's user avatar
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Updating apps on OpenGeo suite Community Edition

I would like to update PostgreSQL and PostGIS on OpenGeo suite Community Edition to a newer version, maybe the other applications too (GeoServer, OpenLayers, etc.). Can it be done? Can someone point ...
Zery's user avatar
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Simplify GeoServer WFS output

I am dealing with some large datasets and would like to minimise the amount of data sent over the network. I am using OpenLayers' BBox strategy to only transfer the data that is needed but I am ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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OpenGeo/GeoServer WFS - getting only as much data as is needed

There's probably a term for this that I'm missing that would help me find the answer... My question is similar to a previous question of mine. I am using GeoServer (as part of the OpenGeo stack) as a ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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How to can I run the OpenGeo Suite Community Edition under Apache Tomcat on Windows server 2003?

I have installed opengeo suite community edition on ubunutu 10.10 and it is working with apache tomcat and it all works great. So I decide to do the same on a Windows 2003 server at work. Note: On ...
Ando's user avatar
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OpenGeo Jetty server caching HTML files

I have installed GeoServer as part of the OpenGeo package. I am trying to create my own application but I am having problems. At first I couldn't save over my html files. Using Notepad2 I can now ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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GeoServer preventing overwriting html files

I have GeoServer installed on Windows XP as part of the OpenGeo bundle. It's working well and I have just started creating my own app using it. I have created an html file in \WebApps\apps and can ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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Cannot populate a Ext GridPanel through GeoExt WMSCapabilitiesStore

I've been working through a few tutorial/starter map samples on the OpenGeo and GeoExt websites and have come upon a problem I cannot solve. I'm trying to load a list of layers from my GeoServer into ...
Don Meltz's user avatar
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