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Questions tagged [breaklines]

A line in a TIN that represents a distinct interruption in the slope of a surface, such as a ridge, road, or stream.

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Breakline for contour

I am trying to generate a break line for generating contour. I have surveyed point data. I am using the river banks/HFl points as breakines. I created a new shape file and drew line along the HFl ...
Usha's user avatar
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In "Aggregate" tool, concatenate function and \n delimiter doesn't result in break line

I am encountering problems with the 'Aggregate' tool and the 'concatenate' function with the '\n' delimiter. The process is not resulting in a line break as expected. Please see the screenshot of the ...
Jean's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Proportional allocation of length during split in QGIS

I want to split a line with a specific value in QGIS. Can I also split the value proportionally to the length split? I have some multiline strings that cross through multiple polygons. When I split ...
Kyriakos's user avatar
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TIN interpolation from LiDAR point data excluding no-data areas (for water)

I am working with LiDAR data for a specific marsh area. The data is in x,y,z point files. When loading this layer, it is clear that in the creeks of the marsh, no data points were measured with the ...
Marel_S's user avatar
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Points on the opposing side of a breakline

If you have a breakline or even a single line segment within a DEM, how can you tell if two points lie on the opposing side of that breakline or line segment? From a computational geometry standpoint ...
afrancio's user avatar
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Importing .geotiffs and wavelet denoise plug-in - GIMP

I am trying to run the wavelet denoise plug-in tool on GIMP to smooth a .geotiff. Unfortunately when I import the .tiff, the spatial refernece is lost and the image appears black. My goal was to ...
afrancio's user avatar
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Projecting 2D (poly)lines and polygons on point cloud or (tri)mesh (TIN)?

I'm searching a way to project 2D (break)lines and polygons (they are in an Esri shapefile but I can translate them to something different if needed, like geojson for example) on a point cloud (seems ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Breaking closed line when intersecting with polygon using SAGA GIS?

I have a number of polygons (in lines shape) which represent the new condition of an area and a numder of polygons (in polygon shape) which represent the old condition of the same area. How can I ...
Dimitris Kasabalis's user avatar
3 votes
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How to include 3D break lines in QGIS raster interpolation

I wish to add a break line to an interpolation of a set of survey points to simulate an elevated ridge in the survey area. Using QGIS 2.6 on Windows 7. I have created a polyline shapefile with a ...
user19425's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

River boundary (bank) extraction from LiDAR

Is there any way to extract a river boundary (bank) from LiDAR data and its products (DEM, intensity image and slope) automatically? Digitizing is very time consuming.
Leila's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Spatial interpolation with breaklines in R

I have a dataset consisting of irregularly-spaced points (x,y,value) that represent an area of ocean that contains some land. I need to interpolate these to a regular grid, ensuring that the ...
Flyto's user avatar
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3 answers

Breaklines in QGIS interpolation plugin

How can I prepare data to generate a DTM using points and breaklines, but where every breakline has nodes at different heights. For example, a river valley, which regularly falls, or a dorsal line, ...
tomsik's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to extract breaklines from a given DEM?

Breaklines are very useful for describing a terrain - for example to build an exact TIN. My question is, how to extract these breaklines from a given DEM? I calculated the curvature (vertical) - ...
sampler72's user avatar
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6 votes
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Breakline detection algorithms for LiDAR dataset?

I'm searching for algorithms or open source tools I could use to detect breaklines from a LiDAR dataset; more specifically, from the terrain points of the dataset. At the moment the only thing I've ...
César Argul García's user avatar