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Questions tagged [calculate-values]

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2 answers

Calculating M-values in specific coordinate system ArcGIS Pro

I have an issue with calculating M-values in ArcGIS Pro: I need to calculate them in a specific coordinate system. For example, the M-coordinate of a first vertex is set to 0; next should be 0 + the ...
Vera K's user avatar
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Calculating area of intersection of two segmented polygons in QGIS

I have two sets of polygons. One contains villages, the other farming areas. There can be several farming areas in one village. Crucially, there can be cross-village farming areas. My approach to get ...
kemajuan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Add/Sum numbers:areas based on two attributes in QGIS

A newbie here. I want to sum the areas in GFA for each Parcel based on their AssetClass After checking few posts in this website, I tried couple of options: I tried sum (GFA, filter:=''AssetClass''='...
Majd's user avatar
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Difference of attributes between two shapefiles based on similar field in QGIS

My issue is best shown using tables (the issue is only with shapefiles in QGIS): pre-culvert.shp: element_no depth 1 10 4 3 post-culvert.shp: element_no depth 30 44 4 6 Looking for the ...
surjis's user avatar
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Getting Error from ModelBuilder (calculate values)

I want to remove the last 7 character from parsepath (%Value%) what is wrong with this code?
Arda's user avatar
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Defining "All other Values" in QGIS

I am trying to use the "Сategorized symbology" in QGIS. I am having a problem because some of the data I need seems to be in the "all other values" category when categorized. Is ...'s user avatar
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NDSI handling of areas that cross over a pixel

I am using GEE to calculate the NDSI on Landsat8 using a polygon area of 500m. Since Landsat8 has a 30m pixel resolution, I wondered how the partial pixels are handled in the calculations. Are they ...
Fernando Fuentes Martins's user avatar
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Summing values from points of one layer within fixed distance to points of another layer [closed]

I'm working with QGIS 3.22. I have two layers of points (layers A and B), and I know how many points of layer B are within a fixed distance from each point of layer A. I updated a field of layer A ...
Pierfrancesco Burrato's user avatar
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Autofilling based of value map in QField

Is it possible to prepare a Value Map with autofilling? I have a list of almost 500 plant names and it is difficult to find correct name on my device (phone with Qfield) while scrolling. Is it ...
paula's user avatar
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Using Inline Variable Substitution with optional Parameter in ModelBuilder

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.3. I have a model that is using inline variable substitution to pass a list of streets to my calculate value tool. This is an optional variable that is set as type Multiple ...
sushi's user avatar
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Calculating route kilometer (min and max) for intersection

How would you solve the problem: Points with km values every kilometer A route (f.e. railroad) als polyline An area where you would like to know at what kilometers it intersects with the route (...
Marek's user avatar
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Calculate the minimum distance of a point grid from the nearest point of another layer with QGIS

I have a grid of 1 km points and a separate group of points representing RTK stations. (See image 1) I want to create a 3rd value for the grid points that is proportional to the nearest reference ...
Tyros43's user avatar
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Iterating coefficient values using ModelBuilder

I want to obtain all the coefficient values using ModelBuilder in a dbf file. I have managed to derive coefficient values but the issue arises obtaining each of the values as a seperate calculate ...
vasudha chaturvedi's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating/generating centroids point features from raster image in console in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a 1-band TIFF/raster file showing a value for each raster cell. I want to get those cell/pixel values of the TIFF extracted to a CSV file. I guess there are two ways of doing this. First, ...
Brigitte Colin's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro calculations combining joined and zonal statistics tables

I have calculated the area of intersect/sum of intersect of rasters using zonal statistics by using province ID as a zone field. I now want to divide that summed data for each province, by the total ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Toggle Model Builder paths on and off using Boolean - ArcMap 10.5

I have a program that uses an iterate over a multivariable to run checks for different values, but it would be really nice to just be able to toggle the values on and off depending on what you are ...
Sam R's user avatar
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Adding field and calculating field values based on a current field using ArcPy [closed]

I created a new numeric field (FloodValues) and need to populate that field based on values from an existing text field (ClassName). There are seven different values in ClassName field so I need to ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Where do I live? (figuring out latitude/longitude from legal documents)

I recently bought the SparkFun RTK Express which looks like a pretty cool little gizmo. I've got some applications for it up in the mountains, but first I want to try it out down here in the suburbs. ...
Betty Crokker's user avatar
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Picking highest value between two options in field calculation using ArcMap

Is there a way to choose the highest value between two options when using them in a calculation? The highest value alternates between x and y This project is in ArcMap.
Alexander Adiyasa's user avatar
4 votes
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Area calculation of objects with the same, specific formulation

Can someone help me with the area calculation of certain objects in the attribute table? I want to add up all the objects that follow a specific, same formulation of a specific column in the table. I ...
Bellis's user avatar
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Adding and calculating User Input Fields in ArcGIS Modelbuilder

I have a model which results in a list of routes with mileages. I want to add 6 fields to the mileage table (Freight Rate, Freight Cost, Material Amount, Material Rate, Material Cost, and Total Price)...
Joshua Smith's user avatar
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Calculation in an attribute table in QGIS?

I have the following attribute table: on which there are points on different types of lands. Each land has a code that is in the CODE_00 field, I have calculated how many points there are in each of ...
Nikolay Yordanov's user avatar
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Translate data right in ArcGIS Online?

I have a point feature layer in ArcGIS Online. I want to create a query on top of that FC that will translate the data: Calculate and concatenate fields Use coded value domain descriptions instead of ...
User1974's user avatar
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Geographic Calculations Across Layers

I have a layer with thousands of points and a different layer with census tracts. I want to determine the average value of each point per census tract. I have tried merging the layers together but ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Calculating mean value of polygons based on attributes of point layer in QGIS

I am working with QGIS to compute the annual burned area of my study area in Chile. I have two different layers. One polygon layer which is a 1km x 1km grid of my study area. The only information ...
FreddySorbe's user avatar
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Accumulate values in raster cells with backlink connectivity

I have origin points in different regions and within these region also specific values within raster cells (with 50m resolution). My goal is to sum up the values of all previous cells in the ...
Saelon's user avatar
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Generating GPP and NPP from Landsat images using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I just started to to use the GEE and I want to calculate the annual GPP and NPP from Landsat 8 images. I have spent much time looking for a tutorial on how to do this but all I could find is multiple ...
tibi's user avatar
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Measuring area of clipped data using shapefile in google earth engine: FIRECCI_5.1 Burned Area Product 500m

I am trying to calculate burned area within the given shapefile from Modis burned area product in google earth engine. But I think I am getting wrong area as it is sometimes more than the area of ...
Monish's user avatar
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StopIteration: iteration not started error using arcpy.da.UpdateCursor Arcpy Pro?

I got error of StopIteration: iteration not started and I don’t know why. I have a shapefile. First I made a layer feature by selecting Side = R from ID : 0 to 99. I would like the code starts from ...
Anahita Kp's user avatar
5 votes
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Why can't I change precision of decimal number in new QGIS Field Calculator?

I can't click those fields. It worked in the past and now it just doesn't. I can't figure it out. And even if it's set to three by default (and I can't change that), it is infinite.
Dyakonov's user avatar
6 votes
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Using CASE Statement with two strings in QGIS

I am trying to fill out a field based on information in a different field in the same layer using a CASE Statement in the Field Calculator. My table structure looks like this: SPECIES SHORT Toad ...
D.M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How much of territory do buffers cover using QGIS?

Is there a way to obtain how much % of the country covers that buffers using QGIS? This is a country (Ecuador) And these are buffers
Jeff_Barahona's user avatar
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How to calc area using OpenLayers with UTM coordinates

I just need had a point format like below (zone,x,y) and need to calculate it's Area. 39,553816,3791942 39,548052,3731376 39,637947,3711980 39,616343,3808591
MSS's user avatar
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Calculating the percentage of overlapping areas from different layers in QGIS

I work with QGIS 3.16 Hannover and I have three polygon layers 'A', 'B', 'C' with multiple geometries in each. In the image, layer 'A' has the bold polygons and, for each of them (meaning within each ...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Trimming decimal numbers for coordinates/heights in QGIS

I have a GeoPackage table with coordinates and heights. I only want 3 decimals for the coordinates and 2 decimals for the heights. In the past I could easily define the precision in the field ...
Enzo Baldini's user avatar
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Using Calculate Value to get extent of feature to input into Generate Tessellation tool

Here is what my model looks like: Takes Excel with lat/long and plots points Splits by name field Iterate And buffer into separate .gdb Calculate value then pulls from the buffer.gdb This is where I ...
Matt's user avatar
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Calculating distances between buildings, plots and road network

I have three layers, see image below: A polygon layer containing building outlines (Purple) A polygon layer containing plot outlines (Yellow) A polyline layer showing the road network ( Red) What I ...
SVB's user avatar
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Calculating ratios between two shapefiles with Python

So I have two shapefiles, one is a grid and one is a map of the world's land. I am trying to find the ratio of land in each cell of the 'grid' shapefile to show the land/water ratio but I'm stuck. ...
Lisa Wang's user avatar
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QGIS 3.10 and data dependencies

I have one table call "LR - Données", with 2 attributes: 'LR nom français' and 'LR nom latin'. I have a point layer in a geopackage call "Observations" with 2 attributes: 'Nom ...
katagena's user avatar
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Accessing data from time series in GEE

I have a code for NDVI time series from an image collection. This code prints the time series in a table or a chart. Is there a way to access the values in the table of the time series in google earth ...
user170688's user avatar
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Performing complicated calculation on bands in Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to perform ANIR index calculation on my image collection. I'm having trouble writing the code in the right way. ANIR index formula is : cos^-1[((a^2)+(b^2)+(c^2))/(2*a*b)] (a2, b2 and c1, ...
user166621's user avatar
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Calculate the value of two different fields (int), and summarize those two into a new field in attribute table [closed]

I am trying to make a pie chart, that means I have to connect some fields in AT. How do I sum two integer fields into a new created field. The sum should also be connected to the different object id. ...
Neptar's user avatar
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Dynamic/calculated field in ArcGIS Pro via Arcade expression?

In an ESRI video called Getting to Know Arcade, the presenter states that dynamic/calculated fields are possible via Arcade expressions. How many of you have ever been in a situation where you had a ...
User1974's user avatar
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Measure Points to Coastal lines?

I would like to measure the shortest distance from multiple points to a any part in a coast line of three different costs. How do I do this with QGIS or with SAGA GIS?
desputin's user avatar
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How do I apply phase center corrections to IGS satellite positions?

I'm trying to use the International GNSS Service's SP3 precise orbit files (found here) to calculate the position of GPS satellites for a Precise Point Positioning solution. It appears that they're ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Calculate ID based on ID from another field

I have a layer with single lines and I have added a unique ID for each line. I have extracted the vertices of these lines to a new point layer and now I want to add a new ID for every point but based ...
Noe's user avatar
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How to write it on ArcGIS Raster Calculator?

I just started using the Raster Calculator, so I don't know how to build the formulas. How can I do this? I need to write both of these formulas: D = is a raster file called "Slope_2" P = 13
Bruna's user avatar
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Using IF-THEN-ELSE with ModelBuilder of ArcMap

I have two optional parameters in my ArcMap model (City and date) and I want to use the tool calculate a value to create an expression that will give me a boolean (true-false). I want the code to ...
Anne L.'s user avatar
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Help with "Calculate Values" Python expression (ModelBuilder)

I have a model and need to compute a new value from two other values upstream, and then feed the new value to the Kernel Density tool. Here is the formula I am trying to reproduce in the "Calculate ...
cms's user avatar
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Error with equation in GEE

I'm trying to calculate values for a raster I have based on other raster values. The problem is that I get the error: -0.054.multiply is not a function and I believe it is because I'm writing ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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