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NDSI handling of areas that cross over a pixel

I am using GEE to calculate the NDSI on Landsat8 using a polygon area of 500m. Since Landsat8 has a 30m pixel resolution, I wondered how the partial pixels are handled in the calculations. Are they ...
Fernando Fuentes Martins's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating/generating centroids point features from raster image in console in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a 1-band TIFF/raster file showing a value for each raster cell. I want to get those cell/pixel values of the TIFF extracted to a CSV file. I guess there are two ways of doing this. First, ...
Brigitte Colin's user avatar
1 vote
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Wrong masked pixels

I am new in GEE, and tried to run a simple code to mask cloud pixels. However when I added the image selected with my filters I saw that the result of the cloud filter are empty areas, as shown below: ...
DEA's user avatar
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