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Questions tagged [carto-js]

CARTO.js is a JavaScript library that interacts with different CARTO APIs. It is part of the CARTO Engine ecosystem.

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1 answer

Interactive filtering histogram widget with cartoJS

I would like an interactive filtering histogram widget like this one (the population density histogram widgets on right ...
Ademus's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to share CARTO datasets with password?

It's my understanding that only CARTO maps can be password-protected, not datasets. I'm currently using the datasets like so: const source = new carto.source.Dataset(dataset); const style = new carto....
Joe - Check out my books's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Access feature data for all features in a NamedMap

For any Cartodb NamedMap, we load it using this function: cartodb.createLayer(map, namedLayerSource, {https: true}) .addTo(map) .done(function (layer) { }); After that I need to ...
DevSherif's user avatar
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CARTO.js changing the styling only on one segment of a line with multiple segments

I'm attempting to change the styling of a line segment when clicked on a layer that has 4 segments. Only one segment's style would be changed at a time. Each segment has it's own column within a CARTO ...
Hysteresis's user avatar
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1 answer

Have Feature Click Events for Two Layers On, but only one is active at a time in CARTO.js 4

I am currently developing an application using CARTO.js 4, see here. We have a slider where layers for different years of data are loaded on both sides so you can compare them. We have a feature event ...
Karl Johnson's user avatar
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1 answer

.createLayer method in CARTO.js (v4)

Trying to recreate an application made in carto v3 in the new version of carto (v4); here is the one which was create using v3. Problem we are running into is that we can't seem to figure out how to ...
cvricella_sbu's user avatar
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How to setBounds on a CartoJS 4 boundingBox?

I have tried to find an example on how to setBounds on a carto.filter.BoundingBox with no success. There is examples of carto.filter.BoundingBoxLeaflet which takes map as parameter. const ...
BernieSF's user avatar
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1 answer

Apply a polygon filter to CartoJS 4 dataview

Checking this example on CartoJS 4 documentation, you can apply a circle filter to a source. The problem with ...
BernieSF's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting data manually from CARTO.js four dataview?

I have a series of CARTO.js four dataviews, but I want to manually get the data instead of listening to the 'dataChanged' event (when multiple datasets are created, this end in multiple errors). I ...
BernieSF's user avatar
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0 answers

Creating subLayers using CARTO JS v4.1.8

I created a simple map with multiple layers using the below code. this.cartoSource = new carto.source.SQL(sql); this.layerStyle = new; this.layer = new carto.layer....
user146810's user avatar
2 votes
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What is difference between carto.js and cartoDB?

I am exploring how to use carto.js map in a web application. I had seen couple of samples where carto.JS is used and some of them used cartoDB by including a supporting js file in the document. What ...
user146810's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Display query result in a table

How can I retrieve the result of a SQL query from a source? I would like to create a dynamic table that displays the result of a query. const source= new carto.source.SQL('SELECT cartodb_id, ...
sallib's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I use external map data with cartojs library? [closed]

I am receiving data from another source apart from cartodb and I would like to use the data for carto maps.
Michael Kolawole's user avatar
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1 answer

Zoom to selected feature extent using Carto and Leaflet

I am trying to use the getBounds and setBounds functions to zoom to the extent of a selected polyline feature in Carto. The feature has been selected using an SQL query. I want to zoom to the extent ...
Flora T's user avatar
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Using CARTO in a different language (multilanguage)?

Is it possible to configure CARTO, CARTO Builder, etc to be available in different languages e.g. Spanish, French, Portuguese?
Francisco Costa's user avatar
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1 answer

CARTO Airship widget default text

I am testing CARTO Airship. I have a query regarding airship widget default text. There are some default text values in all widgets like "There is no data to display" or "NO DATA AVAILABLE". I also ...
Akshay S V's user avatar
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Leaflet map with jQuery autocomplete: fitBounds (click input) on selection?

I'm trying to fire a click event on my search button and/or the input field as soon as a user selects something from the jQuery autocomplete <li>: I'm not sure ...
trashjazz's user avatar
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How to use CARTO map visualization in Odyssey.js sandbox

I have a story map in Odyssey's sandbox GUI. I want to use a visualization I have in CARTO as a base map for this map. How can I find my viz key? All the documentation seems to refer to an option that ...
atlasofcoffee's user avatar
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Blocked loading mixed active content error when loading named map as layer in CARTO?

I am unable to get my layers to draw on my Carto map using https. My map is created I can see the basemap, but the layers do not draw. The layers load locally, but they won't when I host the site on ...
JMers's user avatar
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1 answer

Carto zoom to areas in "link second layer"

I have a Carto map with two layers which I have linked using Carto's "Link Second Layer" analysis. I added a widget which lets me select the name of polygons and through this link, the map returns ...
atlasofcoffee's user avatar
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Error while rendering Map from CARTO without any code change [closed]

I have suddenly started getting error while rendering US map. This has come without any code changes. We are using CARTO.js. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'lat' of undefined at d....
Sid's user avatar
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1 answer

Carto.JS - Pop up closes when mouse hovers out of feature

As per the CARTO docs I am using the following code to trigger a info pop up when the user's mouse hovers over a feature: const popup = L.popup({ closeButton: false }); ecosystem.on(carto.layer....
JohnGIS's user avatar
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1 answer

React / CARTO Enabling interactions

I have a React JS component that adds a Layer to the Basemap: componentDidMount() { const { client } = this.props; // Craete source, styles and layer with the given props const ...
Ruham's user avatar
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2 answers

CARTO.js / ReactJS: Showing and hiding layers on toggle

I have a the following layer: class DataLayer extends Component { static contextTypes = { map: PropTypes.object, // Leaflet map }; componentDidMount() { const { client } = this.props; ...
Ruham's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding a legend to CARTO.js v4 map application

I have made a map that shows fire risk for the different Districts within South Africa, and each fire risk is styled by value to match a certain color. I am trying to add a legend to show what each ...
JohnGIS's user avatar
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CARTO.js (V4) - How to style different values of a polygon

Using Carto.js V4, I have added a layer that shows fire risk levels (low, medium, high and extreme) for South Africa. This is the code I have used to call the layer from my Carto library: const ...
JohnGIS's user avatar
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1 answer

CARTO popup links redirect back to embed map?

When I click a link in the pop-up window the link opens a new tab to the same CARTO map instead of redirecting to the url specified. Here is my code: <div class="CDB-infowindow CDB-infowindow--...
mnm247's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding SQL layer with dropdown selector in Carto?

I am trying to make a map that has a layer showing District boundaries of South Africa, with a selector allowing the user to view which climate change indicators are a priority to each District. Using ...
JohnGIS's user avatar
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1 answer

Torque.js error creating layertorque: Missing closing ] of filter

I've been trying to create a cartodb map with a torque layer as indicated in the Torque.js documentation, but I keep getting the same error: cartodb.js:14 MAP: error creating layertorque Error: :...
Juan Salvatore's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Torque.js is not working: L.TorqueLayer is not a constructor

I've been trying to create a carto map with a torque layer as indicated in the Torque.js documentation, but I keep getting the same error: Uncaught TypeError: L.TorqueLayer is not a constructor <...
Juan Salvatore's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Data from dataview doesn't update after changing the operation

I'm trying to update some dataviews' operation by a select item. The operation has been changed but the data didn't (so it doesn't trigger a 'dataChanged'). I've tried without boundingBoxFiltering but ...
Simon Ducournau's user avatar
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How to use the the Category Widget in the CartoJS v4?

I'm looking into using the Category Widget in a custom Map, using Carto JS v4. I've managed to get the data to show up on my map, and Now I want to have a category Widget, like the one you have Carto ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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2 answers

Fitting bounds with Carto.js?

I am new to Carto.js and I don't understand how to work with it SQL. How do I get bounds for this query? const places = new carto.source.SQL(`SELECT * FROM someTable`); I saw an example with ...
SERG's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Carto.js with free account? [closed]

I have a website running with an old CartoDB account and I would like to make some improvements. With the arrival of CARTO BUILDER, I lost the opportunity to share layers and thus be able to use ...
fototropia's user avatar
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1 answer

replacement for cartodb.SQL({user: 'user'}).execute(sqlquery) in new cartojs

this used to be my code in older carto.js cartodb.SQL({user: 'user'}).execute(sqlquery).done(function (data){ console.log(data); } how to readapt it in newer cartojs 4.0 beta
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Multi layer interactivity not working with carto.js

I've two sublayers with interaction set as true and the proper columns added in the interactivity method. The featureClick listener is attached to the layer. On the one hand, popups are working on ...
amar's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Carto SQL fails due to CORS error in local CartoDB?

I have successfully installed CartoDB in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and uploaded a point geometry dataset. I have created a HTML/JS application to access the layers from the local cartodb and visualize in the ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Cartodb popup opening at wrong location

i am using carto js to load a map and inbuilt leaflet to load additional points following (see image below) is the error i am getting. i am using this js <script src="
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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Using Carto API in HTML

I am trying to use CARTO API with my HTML to display a map, code below: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>...
Michael McKeever's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Unable to connect POSTGIS Table to CARTO

I am a new Carto Builder (enterprise) User and I am trying to connect a Postgres9.6.4 / PostgiS 2.3.1. table to my datasets. Here is my script that should do the trick but I receive an extra long ...
CGlog's user avatar
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1 answer

Centre map on marker click in CartoDB

How do I centre my map after clicking on a marker in carto js? I'm using createLayer but not sure where my listener should be applied (i.e. to map object created using Leaflet or within createLayer ...
Thort's user avatar
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Proper use of layer.invalidate() in Carto.js

According to the Carto.js documentation, layer.invalidate(): "Refreshes the data. If the data has been changed in the CARTO server those changes will be displayed. Nothing happens otherwise. Every ...
Thort's user avatar
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how cartodb.createLayer function works

i am using cartodb.createLayer() function to prepare my web application. I have tried to pass vizjson url and metadata method both to get my layers from my carto account which has total of 8 layers in ...
Jayant Tyagi's user avatar
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Carto JS only gets cartodb_id on click

Here's my code: function main() { // create leaflet map and define some properties var map= "map", { ...
Username's user avatar
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Problem updating infowindow

I have a problem with the infowindow of one of my sublayers in a Carto map. First of all I'll show my code. I create the layer options and then I get my sublayer. I set its options and a first version ...
Cristina Extremera Romero's user avatar
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How to show a carto map in an ionic 2 app?

Has anyone shown a carto map in an ionic 2 app? When I used ionic 1 there was no problem, because it is angular js and I could add the library in the index.html: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http:/...
Cristina Extremera Romero's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get sublayer infowindow to close in Carto.js

I have a map with 5 different sublayers and am having an issue with the infowindows between sublayers. If I click on a sublayer point to open an infowindow and then click on a different sublayer to ...
bazini627's user avatar
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1 answer

Map with polygons evolution over time

I want to put a button on a map with polygons so that you can see an evolution over time. The problem is that clicking on these buttons is not getting any response. It also happens that the provinces ...
Nicol Montilla 's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the licensing rules for using cartodb's public REST API with leafletjs

I am currently working on a project which needs some offline mapping. I am using Leaflet.js as my base library. I have also seen that leaflet can be used with the following tile providers: https://...
BigONotation's user avatar
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Toggle between layers in Carto Builder

If you publish a map with multiple layers using Carto Builder, is there a way for viewers of a map to toggle on/off a specific layer? For example, imagine a choropleth map with a map marker overlay. ...
Max Hartshorn's user avatar

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